Frequent Miler’s Portal Alerts are no more. We used to publish alerts every morning. Each Portal Alert contained a list of merchants in which the best portal rates had increased or decreased from the day before. We’re in the process of making technical improvements to our site and can no longer support this custom Portal Alerts functionality.
For those who rely on the daily Portal Alerts, there’s an easy way to continue to see this information each day. You can continue to find up-to-date portal rate changes at this page:
If you don’t want to miss daily portal alerts, I recommend adding the above link to your calendar, task, or reminder program in order to setup a daily reminder to check that site. In my case, I emailed the link to myself and I use Gmail’s Snooze feature to hide the email each day. This way, it re-appears in my inbox each day as a reminder to click the link to see what has changed.
I’m sorry if this comes as a disappointment to some readers, but hopefully you’ll find that the above work-around works just as well.

[…] you’ve probably noticed the soft launch of the daily Tagging Miles Portal Updates. Ever since FrequentMiler had to unfortunately discontinue their Portal Alerts, I had been looking for a way to replace this valuable daily […]
Good move.