Hopefully by the time you read this, the problem will be fixed. However, at the time I’m writing this, comments posted to my blog are going directly to the blog’s spam folder. I’ve started trying to dig some of them out, but it’s a huge task. If you write a comment on my blog and don’t see it appear after refreshing the page, please be patient.
Alternatively, tweet me by tweeting messages to @FrequentMiler.
Or, comment on my Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/FrequentMiler
(and “Like” me while you’re at it!)
Sorry for the inconvenience!
so thats what it is .. i was going crazy as to where my comments are going (yesterday).
Same problem here..my comments not shown
I am being patient. Still, I am hoping to see some my comments to your blogs. Goodluck, you can retrieve those. Just be patient too. 🙂
strange, hope it gets fixed soon 🙂
@webazoid, LOL!!
More importantly, where have all the vanilla reloads gone??
btw, post a link for your facebook page.
MMS stole them all!
no comments cuz we’re all trying to get the last vanillas