2,000 Delta SkyMiles with first Turo rental (500 on subsequent rentals)


At the end of 2024, United teamed up with Turo – the Airbnb of car rentals – to offer bonus miles on rentals. However, that wasn’t the first airline that Turo had partnered with.

That first partnership came about a few years ago when Delta teamed up with Turo to award 2,000 Delta SkyMiles on your first Turo rental and 500 miles per rental thereafter.

a plane flying in the air

The Deal

  • Delta SkyMiles and Turo rental cars have teamed up to offer a bonus of 2,000 Delta SkyMiles on your first trip with Turo and 500 miles on additional trips
  • Direct link to this offer

Quick Thoughts

I first saw this deal posted over on Doctor of Credit a few years back and took note of these two comments on their post:

a screenshot of a chat

My initial thought was the same one I have any time I see a poor customer service story about one hotel or bank or airline or another: bad stuff happens sometimes and unhappy customers are infinitely more likely to share their opinions than happy customers. I try not to weigh negative anecdotal experiences too heavily unless I see consistent similar issues.

However, when I went to the Turo Facebook page, I did see a surprising consistency of negative experiences. I’m sure that there are plenty of good hosts and situations where it’ll all work out fine, but I thought the Facebook page was worth a highlight. To be sure, I’ve never gone to the Amex Facebook page to talk about how happy I was that I earned half a million points buying a car or gone to the Chase Facebook page to celebrate another 5x on fee-free Visa Gift Cards at an office supply store — like I said, happy customers probably just move on to the next thing without thinking to leave a positive review everywhere. Still, it’s worth being aware that you should probably take high definition photos and video of everything at pick up and drop off. That’s not a bad habit in general — I do that when renting from major companies (after the second time Hertz charged me for damage I didn’t cause, I realized that I really need to make it part of my routine).

I’ve been curious about Turo, but it never really fit my plans. If it fits yours, getting some extra miles could be a nice deal to try it out. FWIW, Stephen has used Turo several times and has always had a good experience, but he’s never had any issues and so doesn’t have any experience with regards to how good – or bad – Turo’s customer service is.

With regards to whether you should book a Turo rental via the Delta or United partnership, that’ll depend on a few factors. One is whether you already earn miles in one or both of the programs. If you have a decent stash of United MileagePlus miles but don’t have any Delta SkyMiles, it’s probably not worth booking via the Delta partnership as you’d be hard pressed to do anything with 2,000 SkyMiles.

Another factor is how you value MileagePlus miles versus SkyMiles. If you regularly fly a route that consistently gets you great value from one of those programs, it could be better to earn more miles in that program via a Turo booking.

The other key factor is how much you’ll be spending on a Turo rental due to the different earning rates between the two partnerships. With this Delta one, you get 2,000 bonus miles on your first rental and then 500 bonus miles for subsequent rentals. The United partnership on the other hand offers 5x miles on your first rental and 1x thereafter. If you value Delta and United miles the same, you’d need to spend $400+ on your first rental via United to make that a better offer, with subsequent rentals needing to come in at $500+ to make United better than Delta.

If you are looking to book a Turo, be sure to check for card-linked offers like Amex Offers, Chase Offers, Citi Offers, etc. We often see spending offers such as getting $30 back when spending $150 with Turo, so that can offer some good savings too.

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I really have to caution against renting on Turo. I took advantage of an Amex platinum offer for renting on Turo. During the rental, a vehicle in front of me kicked up a rock that cracked the windshield. It was then that I found out that Amex (and the other credit card issuers don’t provide insurance for Turo.

Stephen Pepper

To be fair to Turo, that’s not their fault. It’s definitely a shame that Turo rentals aren’t eligible for credit card coverage, so when we’ve rented from them we’ve picked one of the insurance plans offered.


I’ve had all great experiences on Turo and have even starting renting my own vehicle on Turo with pretty great results. I would recommend staying away from the cheapest options though.


My neighbor Turos his truck, maybe I’ll work a deal with him


Oh man. I love Turo! Will never go back to the big rental companies. So little headache! Way better selection. No shuttle to the rental car place. I haven’t looked at their Facebook, but it’s a huge “yes” from me.