Note: As of October 13, 2015, the Target REDcard (REDbird) can only be loaded with cash in-store at Target. Gift cards and/or debit cards no longer work to load REDcard. For more info, see: Here is the REDbird memo, “Cash is the only tender guests can use”
As of May 6, 2015, Target no longer accepts credit cards for in-store REDbird reloads. For more information, please see “REDbird Post Memo Answers“, and “REDbird grounded. Now what?“
I did it. I finally got around to writing the complete guide to REDbird. More specifically, it’s called “The complete guide to REDbird: The Target Prepaid REDcard.” What is REDbird and why should I care, you ask? Please see: REDcard changes everything.
Rather than write lots of words about REDbird (as I’ve done before), I tried to keep the “complete guide” brief while still answering every question anyone has ever had, or will ever have, about REDbird (more or less).
Here are a few never before published (except within the complete guide) examples:
What will happen to my American Express for Target card if I get REDbird?
It will have a new friend in your wallet.
Can I sign up my kid for his/her own REDbird account?
Are they 18 or older? If not, you can only setup a subaccount for them.
Can I register online with a fake SSN?
No (I tried it)
After registering online, how long does it take to get the permanent card?
About a week
Does Target have an automated kiosk that can be used for reloading?
Which credit cards treat the load as a cash advance?
Can I pay for the reload with an Amex gift card?
Can I reload one REDbird with another and get 5% off?
Can I move money from REDbird to my bank?
Yes. Link a bank account and go for it.
Can I use REDbird as a debit card to buy money orders, pay taxes, etc?
There must be fees. What are they?
The only fee is when buying a temporary card — some stores charge $5. There are literally no other fees. None. Nada. Zero. $0.
And much more…
Do you have more questions about REDbird? Please read The complete guide to REDbird: The Target Prepaid REDcard. You can always find the guide on my site under the “gift cards” menu, like this:
Read more about REDbird:Also: |

I went to load my new Redbird at Target here in eastern PA; where Redbird is not available yet.
The cust svc agent had no idea how to load it; even after asking for help from an associate.
How do I coach them on loading it?
Tell them that it works the same as reloading a gift card. They swipe the REDcard on their register and then instructions will be shown on their screen.
Canceled Bluebird by phone. Ten minutes later registered a temporary Redbird card online. It went through fine. Called customer service who said I could begin loading the temporary card. I do not have to wait for the permanent card to come in the mail to begin loading.
I asked whether I could pay with credit card to fill the Redbird. She said it depends on whether the Target will take a credit card for it. (cringe). She said it is better to take cash or a debit card with me to ensure I can load the Redbird.
Yes, you can load up to $1500 to the temporary card (but that includes however much was put on initially during the purchase of the card). So, if you bought the temp card with $500 on it, you can load $1K more before the permanent card arrives.
Today I tried to load my Redbird card at Target. The manager had heard of the card; the staff person was not familiar with it. They are not sold in my state. Tried to load it with my Chase Visa, but their system would not allow it, they said. I was told my state does not allow a person to put money on a credit card from another credit card to deter theft of the initial credit card.
However, I went back to see what might work. It allowed me to put $50 against my bank’s Visa debit card. So I am going to have to try different things. There is only one Target nearby.
To clarify, it went through as a credit card charge against my bank Visa card which is also a debit card. It did not go through as a debit card since I did not enter the PIN.
Are you sure it wasn’t Chase that prohibited the load? Its common to get a fraud alert the first time you do this.
Actually, I’m not sure. This is just what the manager who could see her register screen said; of course I could not see the register screen. (I did it at customer service).
I will go back when I have a chance and try to charge a lower amount on Chase Visa. I started with $500, thinking that would be low enough. But I rarely shop at target. So maybe it was a fraud thing, but Chase never contacted me about the fraud.
Hi FM,
You say you can’t use Redbird to pay taxes by using it as a debit card. But if you can make it billpay or even pay yourself, can’t you still make something on the deal as opposed to just writing out a check of money you earned in your bank account?
Say I load the Redbird with my Chase Southwest Visa, and get it up to the amount I need to pay taxes. Say, $3,000. I earned the points on Chase. Then I go online and set up the
Redbird to “billpay” the IRS the $3k. With earned money I have in a bank account, I pay off my Chase Southwest Visa.
Am I missing something here?
From the online legal conditions:
“Tax payments, court-ordered payments, securities transactions, loan-payoff amounts, timeshare payments and insurance payments may be scheduled through Pay Bills; however, such payments are discouraged and must be scheduled at your own risk. In no event shall we be liable for any claims or damages resulting from the scheduling of these types of payments. THE PAY BILLS GUARANTEE DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OF THESE TYPES OF PAYMENTS. We have no obligation to research or resolve any claim resulting from these types of payments. All research and resolution for any misapplied or misdirected payments of these types will be your sole responsibility.”
Since they discourage customers from paying taxes, I don’t recommend doing so. The process you laid out would work, but you would earn the same amount of points paying from your checking account. e.g.:
Load $3000 to your REDbird card with your Southwest Visa, get 3000 points.
Withdraw money to your bank account or use bill pay feature to pay your Chase bill
Pay your taxes from your checking account.
I live in an area where the prepaid redcard isn’t sold but I was visiting family in an area that does sell them so I picked one up and registered it. After my permanent card arrived I tried loading money at my local Target and they said they could’t do it. The website explicitly says it can be reloaded at any US Target store so I was confused. Anyone else have this problem?
I recommend trying again. Make sure to go to the customer service desk. Ask for a manger if you are given a hard time.
Hi Folks,
I’ve just about reached 1K United status again this year but after so much hassle with trying to use the 6 x global redemption (I fly to Asia a lot – but never get to use them for those trips even with getting a higher fare) I’ve decided to switch to AA this year (via the US-airways promo taste of Platinum etc) and was trying to put a truckload of December spend through the US-Air mastercard. I see that I can liquidate Amex GC with Redcard but does anyone know if you can buy Amex gift cards with US-Airs MC (Bar-clay’s) without getting hammered with a carsh advance? many thanks, BK
Barclays cards are safe
You are a star sir – guess I shouldn’t abuse the Amex Gift card too much (probably 3 or 4 x $2K cards over 30 days) along with a flurry of other spends to make the $25K yearly spend.
Any indication that REDbird reloads will not qualify as eligible purchases to qualify for AMEX initial spend bonus requirements? I ask because I noticed a FlyerTalk thread in which AMEX Blue cardholders seemed to be having their accounts closed because of excessive purchases and/or reloading of prepaid and/or gift cards.
No, there’s no indication of that.
Apologies if this question is addressed elsewhere, including in your excellent guide, but I can’t find the answer. It relates to the $5K limit per “calendar month.”
I got a Redbird and loaded total of $5K on it during various days in November. Can I load another $5K starting December 1-2, or do I have to wait a full month after each payment I made in November?
Many, many thanks for your continually-helpful work.
Calendar month – so yes, you can load on Dec. 1 & 2.
The limits are within the calendar month, so yes you can do $5K more starting December 1.
I already have Redbird. Could I buy temporary redcard with my info & load $1. What is the limit to buy temporary Redcards by someone who who already has permanent redcard?
Kevin, please be more respectful of the Master’s time…….the complete guide to Redbird that is IN THIS POST will answer all your questions…………
Yes, I’ve done so many times. There is no limit other than the fact that they only allow one purchase per day with the same SSN
Reason why I ask is I wanna sell ore-loaded ones on ebay oe other platforms.. 🙂
eBay doesn’t allow these to be sold unless they are unactivated
DO the short-term 5% cads from Wells Fargo and TD Bank get 5% at Target (the Amex cards don’t)? If so, they would seem the ideal cards to load with.
I would expect so, at least at the particular Target stores that code as grocery stores.
I’d love to see your analysis on which card to use to load at Target?
I’m guessing this will be a short-lived opportunity – but for now, we’re charging 5K a month to points earning cards! You mentioned sending money from RedCard to Bluebird. I’m not seeing a way to do that. Any help is appreciated.
Just click Send Money and put in the email address that the other person uses for bluebird
Someone is willing to sell me his temp card he came he bought with $5 initial load
But he saying that the card is not registered at all and I will need to,registered it online to get
Permanent card. Is this card legit? I thought to get the card from the store you need to provide personal info first.
I don’t know if that particular card is legit but the general idea makes sense. The info you give in the store has nothing to do with the info you use to register the card online
My first several times cashiers would ask for my driver’s license and the card to personally check the last 4 digits. This morning I went back to one of the stores I’d tried before & finally got the no hassle experience. Cashier even commented on how many people had been going through with them. Heck, the receipt even lists the balance remaining on the AGC so the system has no problem with it.
Do Vanilla GC work to load Redbird? Now that they don’t work to load BB/Serve at WM any more, I’m looking for a way to bring them back into the MS picture, since OD only sell those.
Yes, works fine..
But if cc loads are free why would want to use a Vanilla GC to load? Only if you had a rebate offer from Staples or Office Depot but why otherwise?
Your logical work in the trenches can’t be matched and is greatly appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for all you do to help connect families thru the airways!