Convert Discover Cash to Miles, Not Killing a Huge Deal, Strategy with New Chase Rules & More!


week in review

Welcome to the Frequent Miler Week In Review series. Every Saturday we recap what you might have missed from Frequent Miler during the week. Enjoy!

This Week From Frequent Miler

Is it time to convert Discover Cash Back to miles? – Utilizing 1-800-Flower’s promotions and Discover Cash to purchase miles at a cheap cost.

Introducing Extreme Stacking (and our new Lab Manager) – Extreme Stacking is a new resource to help you save the most money on your purchases at major retailers.

A Manufactured Spend opportunity for Canadians? – A new Canadian payment service may be an MS opportunity.

Round trip to Australia starting at 50,000 points – Utilizing various flexible points currencies to take advantage of cheap fares to Australia.

The 200K deal I didn’t kill, but should have – A recent very lucrative deal died without being reported on the blog. Was keeping it quiet the right move?

Chase calls an end to the game. Should we seek quick wins or long term benefits? – Chase will be tightening approvals even more for all of their cards. What strategy should you take before these changes go into effect?

Have a great evening!

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Finishing up a beautiful stay at Grand Hyatt Kauai when I went to use one of my Hyatt e-gift cards purchased last year at a discount, only to find out one of my e-gift cards has a zero balance on it because it was recently used in another state by someone else not me. During a follow-up call with Hyatt I was told about a breach with Hyatt’s e-gift cards and also was assured it would be replaced. Anyone else have this happen to them?