I’ve written before about the Visa SavingsEdge program (see: Stacking Rewards via business card spend). The basic idea is that you enroll your Visa business cards in this program and automatically get statement credits for spend with select merchants. That part hasn’t changed except that they now refer to these as “Everyday Offers”. But they do have something significant and new: Activate Offers.

Activate Offers
“Activate Offers” are special offers which need to be activated before they’ll work. The concept is very similar to Amex Offers and to Chase Offers. One difference is that you only have to activate an offer once for it to apply to all of your registered business cards. That’s a nice difference from Amex where it takes some trickery to apply one offer to multiple cards; and to Chase Offers where you need to create separate log-ins for each card.
Unfortunately, at the moment I’m not seeing very many Activate Offers. There are just two at the moment: Office Depot and Vistaprint:
The Office Depot offer would be incredibly exciting (10% back in-store or online!), except for a little clause: “maximum earn $5”. The good news is that you can apparently get $5 with every Visa business card you register since the fine print says “Maximum reward earn $5 per enrolled card.”
Anyway, if you have enough Visa business cards, $5 back on $50 spend plus the usual rewards earned by your credit card is pretty good. The best option is to pay with an Ink Cash or Ink Plus Visa to earn 5X rewards. I could see bringing a small stack of cards to Office Depot to buy $50 in Amazon gift cards with each one (or simply split the purchase for a larger gift card). I’ll take 10% off Amazon gift cards any day. And when you throw in 5X rewards from Ink cards (including employee cards), I’d call that a nice little win.

[…] $100 or more on select gift cards right now. This might stack with an additional 10% back with Visa Savings Edge “Activate Offers”. While the Visa Savings Edge offer gives 10% back (this is capped at $5 per card, though you may be […]
Do you think they would pay out for gift card purchases? From past experience they don’t pay out for VGC, not sure about Amazon.
I think so since there’s nothing in the offer terms against it. How do you have past experience with this given that it’s new? Or are you thinking of Chase Offers which seems to have the same back-end?
Many years ago, VisaSavingsEdge had a 1% or may be it was 2% back at either Staples or Office Depot when I first used Ink to purchase VGCs, they paid out the cash back for VGC but it lasted for a few months at most by the time I got in, so I stopped caring about it altogether. It was indeed not these new offers so hopefully this is different!