In this week’s Frequent Miler week in review around the web, we’ve got a the type of tip (now dead) that you might pick up at an FTU, Hyatt’s response to one of my key gripes to the program (and it isn’t good), using RoomiPay for your rent, and more. Read on for this week’s recap.
DEAL DEAD – Toys R Us not charging fees on some VGC
In my post about the FTU flash sale the other day, I noted that one of the benefits of attending an event like FTU is that you make connections with people and share tips and tricks. This post from Miles Per Day is a perfect example of the kind of thing that you might be able to pick up in a private conversation, as tips like this are more often traded in private social circles. For the record, I’m embarrassed to admit that this one flew past me, too — guess my TRU test purchases were of the wrong flavor.
Hyatt is Testing Elimination of Free Breakfast at Hyatt Place Properties
When Hyatt made the change from requiring 25 stays to 60 nights in order to achieve Diamond status, one of my major gripes was that the vast majority of the properties are Hyatt House and Hyatt Place. I like those brands, but Diamond/Globalist status has very little benefit since breakfast is free for everyone and there typically aren’t any meaningful room upgrades. It seems that Hyatt heard my grievance and decided to respond by eliminating free breakfast for everyone. Right now, it’s only a pilot program at a few hotels. See this post at View from the Wing to know which properties are currently affected, but keep your eye out in case this expands.
Roomipay is an option for those looking to meet spend at a lower cost that Plastiq — and if you’re really quick, you may even be able to pay the rent fee-free, as the first 50 people have been getting a fee-free rent payment each month. If you’re in the market to meet some minimum spend and you’ve got rent to pay, check out this complete guide to how it works from Straight to the Points.
How to think about prepaid tuition plans: Washington’s Guaranteed Education Tuition plan
With a newborn in the household, we recently spent a bunch of time looking at 529 savings plans. Thankfully, we were able to take advantage of a decent stack of Gift of College gift cards before Toys R Us stopped selling them. We’d then hope to eventually pay the tuition with a credit card and take the reimbursement from the 529 in order to double-dip rewards. In looking around, we never even considered prepaid tuition plans. After reading this post from Independently Financed, I’m not sure I’d have invested in this particular plan, but it’s interesting to hear how it might work out for those willing to put their egg’s in one state’s basket.
Hilton Day Use Rates: Case DoubleTree Gurgaon
This post from Loyalty Lobby was from just over a week ago, but it was a good reminder that when you just need a place for the daytime hours, it’s not only possible — but easy to book online with Hilton. Also, check out his follow up on this post as these day rates might be useful in a variety of scenarios when the rates are right.
That’s it for this week around the web. Check back soon for this week’s last chance deals.

We bought 2 year tuition plans for both of our kids and supplemented with 529s. When my daughter decided to go out of state, we transferred her 2 years to my son and used some of his 529 money for her. Worked great in 2 player mode.
I did prepaid tuition plan here in Texas for my daughter. When we signed up, we locked in current pricing of credits, and had three different credit types to pick from. So when she graduates high school in 2 years, we will only be paying tuition (through credits) at the rate it was when she was in 4th grade. And since there was no tax benefits like a 529, there is no penalty for taking out our conteibutions- be it for technical school, toward out of state tuition or to buy mama a new whip if she manages a scholarship 🙂
The TRU golden goose survived for so long because it was not abused. There is another golden goose out there, a twin sister (and possibly multiple siblings). Don’t give up looking.
You’re referring to no-fee GCs (price error) and not GoC right? If the former can you at least tell us if this “twin sister” retailer is nationwide?