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Avi Kerendian

Expired, showing: Earn up to $310.00 Cash Back

Sky t

It only show $310 now from the link

Earn up to $310.00 Cash Back

Start by opening a Chime Checking Account and receive qualifying direct deposits be eligible to get up to $5001 of Your Pay. No Credit Check, No Interest2, No Mandatory Fees. When you open an online Chime® Checking account, you get a Chime Visa® Debit Card, an optional Savings Account, and access to apply for the Secured Chime Credit Builder Visa® Credit Card3. Also enjoy access to 50K+ fee-free4 ATMs. Get started today!


Just got this message:
We’re sorry!Unfortunately, based on the information provided, we were unable to open a Chime Deposit Account for you at this time. Due to security reasons, our Member Services team is unable to provide you with any further information.”

I only have ~3 months history at my new apartment which I just moved to. Any reason that could be it?


then just got an email saying that I was approved for an account..


Did Chime in 2022- can I do them again or is there a once per lifetime on them at all?


I just opened the chime account 10 mins ago. Turn out it was more complicated because I started out on a PC then it asked me to download App to finish the acct setup.

Question: when I go to InboxDollars activities I only see the $5 reward for signing up the new InboxDollars account, no mention of my new Chime account. Does it take a while to show up?

Last edited 23 days ago by Kevin

Update: showed up under pending activities over night.


Auto agree – yes, don’t do this, cause I didn’t realize it when I did their offer a few weeks ago and accidentally signed up for their Credit Builder credit card. 🙁


Signed up for InboxDollars, but I’m getting an error message when I try to click through to the Chime offer. I am prompted to enter a phone number, but each time I do, I get this:

There was a problem sending your verification code. Please note: Prepaid or VOIP phone numbers are not allowed at this time.Please re-enter your phone number.”

Tried several browsers, incognito, and a different number. Nothing worked.

Ivan Y

DoC does not have any recent DPs for Chime. Does anyone know if Bank of America or Chase count?


Chase didn’t work for me a couple months ago. Neither did Fidelity CMA. I’m considering doing this for P2 but going to troll the DoC comments carefully for DPs that actually work.