We’ve received reader reports (and so has Doctor of Credit) that the Alliant Cashback Visa is no longer earning any rewards on Plastiq payments. Whether you’re in your first year of having the card and earning 3% on all purchases or earning 2.5% in subsequent years, you’ll actually earn 0% on Plastiq payments.
Personally, I was surprised to hear that people were still using the Alliant card on Plastiq. I stopped using mine when most personal Visa cards began incurring cash advance fees on Plastiq payments (you’ll want to see How to dodge Plastiq cash advance fees to make sure you don’t get hit with one). Apparently, the Alliant card continued to work and earn rewards until recently, despite the fact that Plastiq said Alliant purchases would trigger cash advance fees. Plastiq purchases are not (currently) incurring a cash advance fee on the Alliant card, they just aren’t earning any rewards. That obviously means that one wouldn’t want to use this card for Plastiq payments going forward.