Last year, American Express reduced the number of credit cards you could hold from five to four. That limit seemed to be temporarily lifted back up to five, but then dropped back down to four again.
Well, good news – Amex is reinstating the limit of five credit cards.
Doctor of Credit reports that this change will be taking effect tomorrow (April 26), but in the meantime it requires manual intervention by Amex.
That’s particularly good news if you’re currently at the limit of four credit cards and are wanting to pick up one of the Delta cards that have increased bonuses before those offers end on Wednesday April 28.
Note that this limit of four (soon to be five) cards only applies to credit cards issued by Amex, not charge cards. Charge cards include Platinum and Gold cards, although the Green card which used to be classed as a charge card is now a credit card, although it doesn’t seem to have been affected by that limit – it just added to your limit. Also note that business credit cards do count towards your limit of four/five credit cards – it’s not just personal cards.
After reading to this article I decided to apply for my 5th card. App was declined. Reason? Amex rep said that i cant have more than 4 cards smh
This post would have been perfect if it listed ALL AMEX business credit cards for those of us flying under 5/24 🙂
Does anyone know of an easy way to see which Amex cards you’ve already had? I somehow lost a previous file that had all that information in it. I’ve recreated it to the best of my knowledge but could be missing a card or two. Thanks.
I believe other people have been successful asking a rep over amex chat for a history of what they’ve held