American Express has brought back one of its best promotions for adding employee/authorized user cards to Business Green, Gold and Platinum accounts: 20,000 Membership Rewards points after $4K in purchases in the first 6 months on each employee card (up to 100,000 bonus points total).
Employee card offers have come and gone over the last couple of years in various permutations, but this offer matches the best that we’ve seen. It’s worth noting that even folks with new business cards can add employee cards and the spend on those employee cards will count as minimum spend towards the welcome offer…effectively allowing for a double dip.
The Deal
- Get 20,000 Membership Rewards points after $4K spend in the first 6 months for each employee card added to a Business Platinum, Gold or Green cards from American Express (up to 5 employee card or 100,000 bonus points max)
- Promotion is targeted (see links below to find out if your card is targeted and to register)
Direct Link to Offer (Business Platinum cardholders)
Direct Link to Offer (Business Gold cardholders)
Direct Link to Offer (Business Green cardholders)
Quick Thoughts
The terms indicate that you can only get the bonus for the first five additional cardholders you add and spend $4K (we’ve seen offers in the past where the bonus is extended to up to 99 authorized user cards). This is a great deal, but it’s especially useful when meeting minimum spend on a new card.
Let’s say that you sign-up for a Business Platinum card with the referral bonus of 150,000 Membership Rewards points after $15K in spend (this is what’s listed on our best offers page). Instead of spending directly on the card, you could add four authorized user cards (I’d actually go ahead and do five, but just for sake of argument let’s say four). The spend on those authorized user cards will count towards the $15K minimum spend. After meeting the $4k on each card you’d end up with 166K from the platinum (150K from the welcome offer and 16k points from the $16,000 in spend). You’d also get the 20K bonus on each of the four employee cards for an additional 80k total. All told, you’d have 246,000 Membership Rewards after $16,000 in spend. Wowza.
In the past, Amex has been fairly loosey-goosey about what it allows for authorized users and whether or not they make any attempt to verify that it is an actual person…there’s some pretty crazy stories out there. Of course, your mileage (and your tolerance for that sort of thing) may vary.

doesnt seem to work anymore. even tried incognito. only response for both plat & gold is “We’re having trouble finding the page you’re looking for.”
That is terrible. I confimed via chat (2 hours ago) that my new business gold card and 5 additional users have the sign up bonus of 100K with $10K spend (NLL) plus $20K for each user per $4K spend. Approved 3 or 4 days ago with this link being functioning at that time. They are still being mailed out. I guess I got lucky before Amex closed this offer? Cross fingers maybe Amex will increase it to 25K bonus for every $5K spend per authorize user?? Just trying to be positive. Best wishes to all.
FYI, biz gold link in the post goes to biz plat.
Biz gold link is this:
See it’s fixed now, thanks!
Thanks, fixed.
I just tried adding 2 AUs using the link for business gold and multiple agents confirmed that there is no bonus attached for adding the 2 AUs… not sure if something changed the past day.
I used the link for Business Gold. Added 5 cards. I just had a chat with them and they confirmed the offer 20k MR after $4k for each employee card
How do you know the 20K offer is attached when there is no offer terms listed when adding a user?
You can confirm using chat if you’d like. They should be able to see it.
FYI the chat said they don’t see a bonus attached to the additional cards then asked “May I ask where have you been promised that you will get the welcome offer on the additional card?” Then magically he sees it on one of my employee cards but not the other. It seems like others are having a similar issue.
FYI there’s an incorrect link in the post – where is says “Direct Link to Offer (Business Gold cardholders)” its pointing to the platinum landing page – but if you change the “platinum” in the url to “gold” it works (relevant for current 150k gold SUB offer!)
How do I tell if I am targeted? When I click the link, the page as shown comes up. However, when I click “add card,” it takes me to a screen that lists my AmEx business cards and asks me to which one I want to add an employee card. When I click the “benefit terms” in that page, it does not list the 20K bonus points
I will call AmEx and ask if no one knows.
please do and let us know
Was there an update to this?
I just went for it even though the “add card” page omitted any bonus language, then called Amex to verify the offer was connected. They confirmed the offer was connected.
Sorry for the delayed response. I ultimately did not do this because I picked up a couple of new cards through personal referral bonuses. @Steve- glad it worked out!
If you have a Business Platinum, add an employee, and then downgrade it to a Green card before getting the bonus MRs, will they still be credited? Thank you.
Is this limited to 100k total per business or 100k bonus per Amex Plat/Gold/Green which I add 5 authorized users? It seems to be each card, as I have 3 Platinums and 1 Gold under a business account. The offer shows up under 2 of the Platinums and the 1 Gold. So presumably, if we maxed it out, we’d be eligible for 300k bonus points?
my new biz plat offer is only for 5000 points after $2000 spend within 6 months per employee card.
Does one need to add all of the employee cards at once for this offer, or can you add a couple and then return to the page and add more, and still get the bonus points (up to 5 employee cards)? I.e. is this a “once only” signup offer if you are targeted for it (e.g. if you only request 2 employee cards at first, you can’t come back and request more under the offer) – or once targeted should it remain open for you to keep coming back and adding more up to the bonus limit?
Ah, the terms and conditions of the offer do answer the question! I can add at separate times:
“Employee Card Members can be added at different times but must be added by 12/31/2023 at 11:59 ET to be eligible for this offer.”
Also useful to know = you can add more than 5 employee cards, and get the bonus for whichever the first 5 cards are to hit the spend level: “If you add multiple Employee Cards to your Account through the promotional offer page, the first 5 Employee Cards that reach the Threshold Amount in their first 6 months of Card Membership will earn you the bonus offer. ”
Do you get 20000 MRs for adding an employee to a Blue 4 Business card as well, or only for Platinum, Gold, and Green cards? Thanks.
It says the AF for employee business plat cards is $350. Yowza
Add a green card, those are free.
I see this only worth doing if it’s on a new account where you’re spending anyway.
It’s also worth doing if you don’t have other SUBs planned. This is 5x return on anything for $4k. That’s a great return.
No SUB planned? Basphemy!
Retention offer also makes it worthwhile. I have 3 cards coming up for renewal by the 12/31 date and will keep it if there is any retention offer while coupling it with the employee card bonuses. Even a 20k MR retention offer for 20k spend (my last offer) would be 20k retention + 20k x 5 employee cards with $4k on each for a grand total of 120k MR. Pretty decent return at 7 points per dollar (1 point for spend, 6 points for bonuses).
Wow! I was hopeful for a large targeted offer to open a new Amex Biz Platinum but this may work out even better. I guess the only unknown would be not knowing if I’ll get targeted for the employee card bonus on a new account??