The contest to Win a Nook is now in the home stretch. Until Tuesday (Feb 14th), all you have to do to enter is add a single line to the ever growing story and become one its many authors.
Since I last gave an update, here is what has gone on in the Nook story contest:
There has been an uprising – a mighty clash between authors! A few, on the dark side, have taken it upon themselves to quickly kill each and every character that appears in the story. Opposing the dark forces are numerous authors who have formed an alliance. The alliance has taken on the job of defending story characters from early, un-storied deaths. Frequent Miler, Granny, and a mysterious cat all owe their lives to these forces of good.
Sadly, though, the clash between dark and light was so powerful that it pulled some of the authors right into the story. As a result, some authors met untimely deaths themselves. And some have come dangerously close to joining the dark side.
So tune in, and join the fight! Pick a side and help move the story forward. Help decide the fate of Frequent Miler, Granny, and the cat. What will become of the giant Silly Putty ball? Where did the talking dolphins go? Why is Gilligan missing his second “g”? Will Jean-Claude Van Damme ever put on clothes? These are the questions you can help answer as you help craft the story!
Final Interim Contest with two prizes!
On Sunday (2/12/12), I will randomly pick a story author to win a $25 e-gift certificate. With the gift certificate you can give a micro-loan to your choice of borrowers across the world. Once the loan is repaid (and they almost all do fully repay), you can choose to withdraw the money for yourself or make more loans. If you’d like to learn more, please visit the Milepoint Lending Team.
But wait, that’s not all! Generous folks on the Milepoint Lending Team have offered to match this prize! So, I will pick not just one, but two winners!
To learn more about Kiva, and for 3 more chances to win a Kiva gift certificate, please checkout Mommy Point’s post here.
Win a Nook!
Reminder: Until Feb 14th, you can win a Barnes & Noble Nook Color simply by adding a comment to our ever growing story. Visit this page to participate!

I’m in.
Pointasaurous: Great! Great name too, by the way 🙂
[…] Update: There is now a third $25 gift card prize thanks to Frequent Flyer Collector! So, there will now be three winners who get some extra help on their lending journey with Kiva. You can also enter to win a $25 Kiva gift card from MichaelW Travels or The Frequent Miler. […]