A few days ago I published a complicated scheme that I thought could get you to Hawaii round trip for $182.24. Then, the next day, I posted a caution saying that some of my...
Staples is awesome. They regularly come out with fantastically easy “free after rebate” offers. You can take maximum advantage of these offers by going through a points or miles earning portal to rack up...
Last month I wrote a post titled “How to buy Ultimate Rewards points for 1.05 cents”. The scheme involves using an Amex business card to buy Barnes & Noble gift cards through the Ultimate...
I called the Chase Sapphire customer service desk twice this week. The first call was a disaster. The second was awesome. Read on.
Recently I posted how to get huge savings at Kohl's by buying...
Yesterday’s post titled “Hawaii round trip for $182.24” can be filed under Frequent Miler #FAIL. If you were thinking of following the plan I outlined yesterday, please don’t. At least, don’t do it yet. ...
I don’t shop at Tommy Hilfiger, but if you do (or know someone who does), here’s a nice opportunity: 1. Register your Amex card for $25 cash back: 2. Go through EBates...
A reader challenged me recently to help him find a way to quickly earn more Membership Rewards points. He’s planning on taking advantage of the current bonus offer in which Membership Rewards points...
In working on a post that will hopefully show how to buy British Airways miles cheaply, I ordered a $10 Sears gift card for myself. Or, more accurately, I ordered it for Frequent Miler. ...
In case you somehow missed it, today only you can buy a $10 Amazon gift card for only $5! Hat Tip to RhondasBuzz.com (I would have provided a link, but her site appears...
While planning upcoming trips, a couple of Marriott properties have caught my eye. They both received great reviews and are in perfect locations for where I want to be. The downside is that neither...
UPDATE: THE 10X DEAL EXPIRED 3/19/2012 AT MIDNIGHT For quite a while, it used to be possible to earn 10 miles per dollar at Sears when shopping through the Aadvantage eShopping portal. Similarly, the...
A month ago, I started posting ways to earn free points and increase credit card spend by taking advantage of Staples’ free after rebate promotions on downloadable software. My first rebate has arrived, so...
In February, I tried to double-dip at DrugStore.com by buying gift cards through Beauty.com and then using them at DrugStore.com. My hope was to earn portal points or cash back with each transaction. Well,...
Just a few quick notes about the Frequent Miler website: If you’re looking for this web site, you can simply type thefrequentmiler.com into your browser’s address bar. I tried to register the name...