Cheap Star Alliance Gold, first class for the price of business and the Paris Olympics kill hotel demand (Saturday Selection)


A possible path to cheap Star Alliance Gold, how to book Qatar First Class at the business class price and the Olympics are cratering the demand for hotels in Paris. All that and more in this week’s Saturday Selection, our weekly round-up of interesting tidbits from around the interwebs (links to the original articles are embedded in the titles).

Will easy ITA status match be a backdoor to Star Alliance Gold?

a gold sign with a plane in the background

Status matching is a deep, intuitive art that some folks liken to alchemy. It’s where you use your elite status in some sort of travel program to convince another travel program that you should be a hoity-toity member of their in-group as well. Of the folks that I know, Nick Reyes is the “sensai of free play” when it comes to status matching, having somehow used a combination of casino and cruise-line status to spend much of the last two years cruising around the world with for almost free with his family. This week, Ben over at One Mile at a Time wrote about another new matching opportunity with the airline-formerly-known-as-Italia, ITA. The company is running a promotion where you can match status with 19 different airlines to ITA and then that resulting ITA status is good for ~18 months. But why would someone living in the US want ITA status, you might ask? Because the higher ITA status tiers also get you SkyTeam Elite Plus status with some ok benefits when you’re flying other SkyTeam partners (like Delta or Air France). However, the real tasty bit is that Lufthansa is currently in the process of purchasing ITA, so ITA elite status might end up being converted to Lufthansa Miles & More Senator status and then, Star Alliance Gold. This is when things could get exciting, as you would get things like priority airport check-in, security, immigration and boarding; complimentary standby; increased baggage allowance and airport lounge access (including a companion) when flying Star Alliance’s myriad partners. That’s a big train of “ifs,” for sure, but since there’s no cost to participate, it might be worthwhile bet to make for many US-based Star Alliance customers.

Greg the Frequent Miler appears on “All the Hacks” podcast

Greg the Frequent Miler caught in the act of podcasting with another partner.

Does it seem like Greg the Frequent Miler has a guilty look on his face, sitting in that nice comfy chair beneath the glare of the studio lights? I thought so too. That shady look might be because that picture was not taken in Frequent Miler on the Air‘s Ann Arbor headquarters, but rather in San Francisco where Greg was moonlighting on “All the Hacks” with host Chris Hutchins. Greg had a couple of hours to kill in San Francisco at the beginning of our recent “Flying by the Seat of our Points” travel challenge, so he visited Chris and spent a couple of hours chatting about “Shortcuts to Elite Status.” It’s a great episode that’s worth checking out.

Are you worried that Nick, Greg’s normal podcasting partner in crime, might have been a little jealous seeing Greg pontificating on a points and miles on another show? Don’t be. Nick was Chris’ guest on All the Hacks last month.

Where you can book Qatar first class for the price of business class

No, that’s not a picture of Nick in a first class cabin. But it is how Nick looks when he’s in a first class cabin.

Experiencing international business class for the first time can be revelatory. The first time that I got to turn left (into the business cabin) after boarding a plane was years ago on a Qatar Airways flight from Dallas to Doha. This was before Qatar debuted their broadly-hailed Qsuites business class seat; it was a boring old 2-2-2 cabin with very little privacy between seats. But I thought I was in heaven. My 6’3″ frame had never had so much room, been able to recline or, *gasp* lie down on a flight. Making that sort of blingy experience within the reach of the average Tim is part of the (significant) magic of points and miles and is one of things we love helping people accomplish at Frequent Miler. Well, Qatar itsn’t just Qsuites, it also has a first class cabin on certain flights with wider seats, caviar service and top-shelf champagne – not to mention access to one of the blingiest airport lounge experiences in the world in Doha’s Al Safwa First Class lounge. For folks flying past Doha, this can be an incredible deal, as Qatar will allow you to fly first class on the second leg of a two-leg trip for the same price as flying business class the whole way. Thrifty Traveler had a great post last week that broke down all the Qatar routes where it’s possible to indulge your champagne wishes and caviar dreams.

The Olympics has killed the demand for…luxury hotels?

Hosting the Olympics is conventionally thought to bring a massive economic boom for cities that do it (although whether or not it pays for itself is up for debate). Visitors are expected to come from all over the world to fill a region’s hotels, restaurants and bars all the while throwing money left and right in cavalier fashion. Or, so Paris thought, anyway. In preparation for the traveling hoards, Parisian hotels and restaurants hiked their prices and museums raised admission rates, all expecting to be rolling in Euros by summer’s end. That’s not quite what’s happened however, as prospective visitors, leery of the prices and sardine-like crowding, evidently have been saying a hearty “au contraire.” Hotel occupancy in the city in June was 25% below 2023 and now some hotels are having to slash prices and offer “Olympic Specials” during the games themselves. Flights have dropped in price and award availability has become surprisingly open. The 2024 Olympics are widely-expected to cost more than $8 billion, but thus far residents aren’t feeling much joie de vivre, despite the astronomical price tag.

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Thanks for the info on the “Cheap Star Alliance Gold.” I signed up my P2 for it and they got matched from AA Platinum Pro to ITA Volaire Club Executive. Hopefully, things will go according to plan and then it will be “converted to Lufthansa Miles & More Senator status and then, Star Alliance Gold.” Hat tip to Tim!


Regarding the Paris Olympics, the same thing happened with the 1984 LA Olympics. Many locals left the area for those weeks . . . and traffic was a dream.


Yeah, I was in LA for the 1984 Olympics. Never seen the 405 so empty. It was wonderful.

Christopher Garby

Besides screwing people on prices, I think its also all the immigrants they let into Paris. I love the city, but will never go again if its filled with criminals and muslims promoting sharia law. They lost the city and the country will follow if they keep taking them in.


I have family in France. There is no movement to promote Sharia law in France. Muslim females simply want to wear a headscarf out of modesty. Your suggestion is fabricated xenophobic hate. And, silly goose, the criminals are native Frenchmen.

They were saying the same sort of thing about the Irish and Italians coming into the US 150 years ago. After all, they weren’t *real* Christians . . . they were Catholics.

Christopher Garby

Racist. Giving us Christopher Garbys a bad name.


I absolutely LOVE it when these cities “lose the bet” with big events like this. The businesses collude to screw as many people as they can but only end up with empty beds and tables!
Couldn’t have worked out better.

Last edited 5 months ago by CHRIS

I follow a chef/cookbook writer who lives in Paris, and he has commented recently that there are visibly far fewer tourists on the streets than usual.


The Paris example is showing the limits of “unsatiable” travel demand when prices get too high


Hey Tim, what is the benefit of doing the paid AF/KLM status match vs this one if I’m AA Platinum? Wouldn’t I still get matched to the Skyteam Elite Plus tier? What benefit does the AF/KLM status match offer that I can’t get through ITA?


Reread the paragraph. It’s about the potential of Star Alliance tier status as opposed to SkyTeam. While ITA is currently a member of SkyTeam, Lufthansa is acquiring it and the likelihood is that ITA will move to Star Alliance. As such, a status match to ITA would afford Star Alliance tier status. Capito?


I’ve tried repeatedly for day to status match with ITA without success. I keep getting some weird error popup banner at the top of the screen when I try to finalize. I’ve tried different days, different computers, and different browsers. No dice. This is what shows.,”headers”:,”ok”:false,”statusText”:”Server Error”,”errorType”:”fetchResponse”


Maybe part of the worldwide IT outage that’s been going on?


If this is your first interaction with Italian travel platforms, you’re a lucky guy.


I genuinely love the response.

Unfortunately, John at loyalty lobby just succeeded yesterday so I’m a little dumbfounded.

Christine K

I have also tried to submit a request, without success. I thought the images may have exceeded the 2 MB requirement. However, even after reducing the size of the images, I still got the same error.

Stephen H

I have been getting the same error both last night and this evening.

Stephen H

Update- I was able to sign up today. They are reviewing the request. It might have been down because of the global tech issue that effected many airlines.