Discounted Lowe’s, iTunes, and gas gift cards on eBay


Ebay has a couple of good deals on gift cards today. Click here to see a list of all of today’s gift card deals. Remember that gift card purchases no longer earn eBay bucks and most portals do not pay out on these purchases. However, some of them still provide a few dollars of savings that can come in handy.

A couple of notables from PayPal Digital Gifts (that may earn 5X with a Chase Ink card) include:

Lowe’s: $200 + $25 bonus card (delivered separately)

Lowes 200

iTunes: $100 for $85

iTunes 100 for 85

Additionally, there had previously been a problem with purchases from SVM coding as a cash advance. According to Doctor of Credit, that issue has been resolved since last month. SVM has a few gas gift card deals (which will not earn 5X with an Ink card):

BP: $100 for $93

BP 100 for 93

Chevron: $100 for $94

Chevron 100 for 94

Exxon: $100 for $93

100 Exxon for 93

H/T: Miles to Memories

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Bummer…No more Lowes cards