Amazon is offering free shipping to all US shoppers with no minimum for the holidays. That’s a nice deal for those looking to order just one or two small things without Prime. On the other hand, Prime members might not feel great about this since free shipping is a benefit of their (paid) membership, but I’d say a win is a win.
Free shipping without a minimum starts today, November 5th, 2018 (and likely comes in response to Target’s free shipping offer for US customers that started a few days ago). Note that there isn’t an exact end date — it says “for all orders that will arrive in time for the Christmas holiday.” This should be especially useful for lightning deals that were under the usual ($25) free shipping threshold.
H/T: Doctor of Credit

Thanks Amazon. I’m so glad I wasted money on Prime. I won’t make that mistake again.
Seriously, they’d better make it up to Prime members!
Or what exactly?
They still have add on items which require a $25 order