Get 7,400 AAdvantage miles + Loyalty Points for $49 with Motley Fool Amex Offer stack


A couple of years ago when American Airlines launched Loyalty Points as the way to earn elite status, a popular option was to subscribe to The Motley Fool. That’s because there was an Amex Offer or Citi Offer that reduced the price and a generous reward through the American Airlines shopping portal.

The Motley Fool didn’t appreciate that, warning that there’d be clawbacks if people tried stacking offers. They had us believing that they’d try to punish gamers, so that was a risky option.

Well, depending on your risk tolerance, there are new saving and earning opportunities that make this stacking opportunity worth a second look. It might also be possible to double up on rewards on the same AAdvantage account thanks to an identical offer with Millionacres.

The Deals

  • Earn 7,400 AAdvantage miles & Loyalty Points from the American Airlines shopping portal when subscribing to The Motley Fool.
  • Get $50 back from an Amex Offer when spending $99 with The Motley Fool.
  • Earn 1,800 JetBlue TrueBlue points when paying for a subscription with The Motley Fool using a linked card.

Key Terms

  • Amex Offer expires May 5, 2024.
  • American Airlines shopping portal:
    • Rewards not eligible on: Monthly subscriptions, Orders less than $75, Free products, trials, services, memberships, subscriptions, Auto-renewals, Purchases made with a gift card, Gift cards, Gift certificates, Cash equivalents and Purchases made with coupon or discount codes not found on this site.
    • Limits: Eligible on one (1) purchase per loyalty account member.
    • Special terms: Only eligible on paid 1 year subscription to The Motley Fool.
    • Offers cannot be combined/stacked with any other offer.
    • Subscription must be active for at least 60 days.

Quick Thoughts

The terms of the offer on the shopping portal still state that offers can’t be combined or stacked. However, there have been numerous data points recently that people have successfully earned rewards through a shopping portal in addition to the $50 from the Amex Offer. Provided that works, it effectively means you’re earning 7,400 AAdvantage miles and 7,400 Loyalty Points for a net cost of $49. Even if you’re not seeking status with American Airlines, buying AAdvantage miles for 0.73cpp is still a decent deal. Add on 1,800 JetBlue TrueBlue points and it gets even better.

This is obviously done at your own risk, so it’s up to you if it’s worth jumping on this deal. FWIW, I can’t remember hearing about any actual clawbacks in the past from people stacking similar previous opportunities, so the past threats from The Motley Fool might’ve had all the force of a court jester threatening a king rather than the other way around. Let us know in the comments below though if you did get miles clawed back or didn’t get them credited in the first place.

For anyone who is planning on taking AAdvantage of these deals, be sure to set a reminder to cancel after at least 60 days and certainly before the year is up. That is, unless you’re so happy with the service that you’d be happy to continue paying the (higher) annual fee after a year.

There appears to be a way to double up on earnings as well. The Motley Fool also has a real estate based subscription service called Millionacres. That also costs $99, it also offers 7,400 AAdvantage miles and Loyalty points and – even more usefully – also has payment processed by The Motley Fool. That means a Millionacres subscription apparently triggers the $50 statement credit from the Amex Offer too.

Now, you obviously can’t get $50 back when subscribing to The Motley Fool and then again from a Millionacres subscription using the same Amex Offer on the same card. However, if your partner has the Amex Offer on one of their cards, you could pay for one subscription on your card and the second subscription on theirs. Despite paying with different cards, you could click through from the same American Airlines shopping portal account, thereby earning 14,800 AAdvantage miles and Loyalty Points on the same account – useful if you’re focusing on earning status for only one of you.

Want to learn more about miles and points? Subscribe to email updates or check out our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.
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Yuri Nator

I can confirm that I was able to get 2 x amex offer credits, 2 x 7500 AA miles and 2 x 2971 Jetblue Miles. I did have to submit a ticket for jetblue miles at trueblue shopping but it all worked as described in the post.

Last edited 9 months ago by Yuri Nator

Purchased 8 Mar, 7400 AA miles posted on 11 Mar. The Amex statement credit posted on 10 Mar. I’m still waiting on the JetBlue miles to track and eventually post. Even still, this is a solid win.


I just got email confirmation from both Amex for the $50 back and Aadvantage that my order was tracked theough the portal for Motley Fool


Clicked through the AA portal on 3/7, used an Amex with the offer. The $50 Amex credit has posted. So far the portal click isn’t showing as having tracked.


can someone provide Confirmation that MF AND Millionacres deals were both successful for Amex and AA offers?


This worked miles posted and got the credit from Amex.


The terms for the amex offer state: Offer valid online only at US website at So going through Aadvantage portal may not trigger the credit, or maybe you could contact amex to try to get it credited if it doesnt work but…


I went through AA eshopping portal and paid with amex card, seems like the offer was redeemed fine (got email from amex). But I don’t see the transaction on AA.


You’re probably good then. I recently did 2 transactions on viator through the aadvantage portal, a few hours apart. Only the 2nd transaction tracked and I got the notification email from aadvantage about an hour after i made the transaction. The one that didnt track i have to wait 15 days before i can submit a missing miles inquiry.


Does AA eShopping account shows the transaction right after the submission? I got email from Amex already saying the offer was redeemed but no transaction show in my AA eShopping acct.


I got the Motley Fool deal last year. Can I do it again this year?

Yuri Nator

I’ve just done both stock advisor and millionacres on 2 different cards loaded withe the amex offer. Will report back if successful…..


How did you end up finding the millionacres offer through the AA link?

Yuri Nator

Scrolled down a little. It’s described as the real estate option


Did both MF and MA work for you?

Last edited 11 months ago by Jay
Yuri Nator

I did try to do both subscriptions through the same aadvantage shopping account and as of today only the 1st one has tracked in aadvantage shopping. I have not checked true blue shopping yet.


Proceed with caution. I tried this last year and they (Motley fool) refused to honor it and issue miles.


Interesting the language on the AA portal only refers to *codes* as being ineligible

Purchases made with coupon or discount codes not found on this site”

Mark W

FWIW, of three different attempts of stacking a card linked offer and a portal offer for Motley Fool, I have gotten the portal payout exactly 0 times. (I signed up for a new Motley Fool account with a new email address each time)

Jan 27, 2021 – $99 Motley Fool sub with $99 back AmEx Offer through Dollar Dig portal. Got the AmEx offer. Dollar Dig didn’t track and I did not receive DD payout even after opening ticket with Dollar Dig.

Nov. 1, 2023 – $89 Motley Fool sub with $17.80 Citi card linked offer through AA portal. Got the Citi credit; AA portal didn’t track. Opened ticket with AA portal which is still unresolved.

Feb 29, 2024 – $99 Motley Fool sub with $50 AmEx offer through AA portal. Got the AmEx offer. AA portal tracked immediately but no payout yet.

Mark W

Well, ironically, just a few days ago the AA portal finally paid out for Nov. 1. Guess I shouldn’t have done it again on Feb. 29


Did you eventually get the second payout from Feb 29? I’m wondering how many times the motley fool offer can be done. Once per loyalty year or once per account ever?


Don’t take this offer. I did it a few years ago and it sucked me in to reading a few articles which led to some investments, that, while I kept them small, still lost me money. This offer cost me a couple thousand in the end.


That’s your own fault for not doing enough due diligence, not the fault of the offer.


Really wish their service offers any value. Have subscribed to them and all I got was junk mail and the features really don’t have any value to me personally. Pretty low quality content.


I am having trouble finding how to do the millionacres offer.
oddly enough, I also have two Motley fool accounts.
should the link you posted also get me to the millionacres option to subscribe?
I did manage to obtain the 7400 points during the last offer also so my only option is the alternative.