We’ve had numerous reports in comments on the site, our Frequent Miler Insiders Facebook group and through our own personal experience that there have been issues with booking awards through LifeMiles in recent weeks.
Nick published a post recently where he shared the problems he’d had with the LifeMiles website but which got resolved by using their app. Well, in recent days their app has apparently turned into StrifeMiles as that’s throwing errors too.
Miles Earn And Burn has now shared a method that is still working, at least for now – using the Firefox browser.
Sure enough, when going to LifeMiles.com in FireFox it’s possible to do award searches and, presumably, proceed to actually book them. Considering the LifeMiles app had been working for awards up until more recently, if you have any award flights you want to book it might be worth doing that using Firefox sooner rather than later in case they manage to break that functionality too.
Just in case you’re not familiar with Firefox, it’s a website browser you can use instead of Google Chrome, Apple’s Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc. and can be downloaded here.

Now if someone could find a fix for the Iberia website 🙂
LM site works with Opera both on PC and Mac. But not with Safari or Chrome (on Mac). There is no FireFox for Mac.
Based on what works and the comment regarding using an old 486 machine, it appears that the site works with browsers based on the older mosaic/mozilla code. Possibly there are no older coders around to update the site properly. (Not surprising, given how many bought into the FIRE idea!) Maybe we will see a total overhaul of the Lifemiles site one of these days. For the time being, download Opera or Firefox.
BTW Thanks for the article. I was one of those asked by email whether there was on issue.
I booted an old AOL disc to use as a browser and then connected to the internet with a landline and dial-up modem. Everything worked fine and I booked my LifeMiles award. If it doesn’t work for you try Netscape Navigator as a browser, just make sure your computer’s processor is a 486 or faster.
That is not the answer. Chrome is the single most used internet browser on the planet. If your site is having issues with it, it would behoove you to find out why and correct those issues.
@gnuwave… The problem isn’t with this site. FM is reporting a workaround for problems with the LifeMiles website. I’m sure the web developers over at LifeMiles would appreciate hearing your astute recommendation.
Valid point! I sorta glossed-over the article and cast the onus on/in the wrong Comment world!
I’ve booked 2 flights on LifeMiles in the last two weeks. App and chrome have both been spotty, but allowed me to book.
I’ve been having these problems as of late as well with LifeMiles and can confirm it does work on FireFox. I have had issues w/ a bunch of different websites w/ airlines for years and keep a copy of Opera, Edge, Chrome and Brave and between these I can usually accomplish what I need to do–FYI.
I’ve been having problems for a week but I finally got it to work this morning using Chrome on my MacBook Pro and booked two First Class Lufthansa tickets ORD-FRA-DUB.
I had the same problem last week with chrome and edge desktop browsers.
So I tried on chrome Mobile app and edge mobile and both worked perfectly
I tried it on Android
So I don’t know if it would work on Apple
I find Firefox incognito works best.