Help Found! Introducing Nick Reyes


A couple of weeks ago, I published “Help Wanted“.  Shawn Coomer, my long time senior editor / Quick Deal author / credit card manager / etc. had given notice.  He was ready to work full time on his own blog, Miles to Memories.  I’m very happy to see Shawn succeed, but I also clearly need someone else to help…  Hence the post requesting applications.

The new position is intended to be full time (Shawn worked half time for me).  I received 95 valid applications, and most appeared to be extremely well qualified.  A couple of submissions that I considered invalid were from Tom Brady (who should stick to football), and my dog.  Surprisingly, my dog got the question about 5/24 mostly correct, but I suspect that my son helped him file his application.

Choosing among so many qualified application was excruciatingly difficult.  I have no doubt that many applicants would have been fantastic, but I only had an opening for one.  I narrowed the search down to 26 candidates, then to 12, then to 4, then finally to 1…

Meet Nick Reyes

The application process proved that Nick has a good solid understanding of points & miles, stacking deals, manufacturing spend, etc.  Importantly, I also learned that he has the ability to write succinctly and with humor.  Throughout the application and interview process I kept asking myself: is this someone the Frequent Miler audience will enjoy reading, and who I’ll enjoy working with?  With Nick, the answer was always yes & yes. I believe Nick will be a great contributor to the blog.

Nick Reyes Bio

Nick is currently on a 5+ week around-the-world journey with his wife, but he was eager to get started at Frequent Miler.  So, while he travels he’ll be part time and he’ll transition to full time when he returns to the U.S.

Nick has already helped update our Best Offers Page, and has published a couple of posts.  If you’re interested in stacking deals, please see his write-up about Neiman Marcus in his excellent post about the United 15X 1 day deal.  Even though the 15X deal is done, the stacking techniques he wrote about may be of interest to many.  You can find an up to date list of all of Nick’s posts here:

Meet Nick at FTU Advanced Seattle

On the weekend of February 24th, I’ll be presenting at Frequent Traveler University Advanced in Seattle.  I’ll be speaking about manufacturing spend, earning elite status, meeting Richard Branson, and more.  And Nick will be just back from his round the world trip, so he will join me there too.  I’m looking forward to working with Nick in-person.  If you’re interested in meeting him, please introduce yourself when you see him there.

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[…] though nearly a thousand posts into my career at Frequent Miler, it’s hard to believe that it all began in January. Rather, 2017 has been a year of big wins in a number of […]

[…] for scheduling repeated payments to be clunky and, worse, they offer poor reporting options.  And, now that I have a full time employee, I’ve started using a payroll processor to take care of tax withholdings, reporting […]

[…] Greg pointed out when introducing me, I am currently on a round-the-world trip — after all, we collect these miles and points with […]

[…] With Julian no longer writing for me, and Shawn devoting full time to his own blog, I needed help.  After I posted “Help Wanted,” I soon received 95 applications!  It was really tough picking just one “winner”, but I finally announced my new employee: Help Found! Introducing Nick Reyes. […]

[…] UPDATE: Mission accomplished!  Please see: Help Found! Introducing Nick Reyes. […]

[…] writing for me, and Shawn devoting full time to his own log, I needed help, and I found it!  See: Help Found! Introducing Nick Reyes.  And, check out Nick’s first ever Frequent Miler post: 15X United miles 1 day portal promo: […]


Good luck Nick, see you in some seminar this year!

Chuck from DoC

Congrats Nick and good luck!

[…] that 95 people applied for a full time position at Frequent Miler! The winner has this as part of his bio “…is a (fairly) regular guy […]


Welcome & Congrats Nick! I look forward to reading your posts and maybe I’ll catch you in Seattle 😉

David L

Welcome welcome Nick!
Love the blog and sure you’ll add a lot more!

How about a post of your current RTW travels, as way of self-intro?

Mark m

Congrats Nick! Look forward to your articles!!


Mr Reyes,

You can start by blogging about your current around the world trip in real time.

Good luck Nick! Great job so far.