On Episode 25 of Frequent Miler’s Ask Us Anything live, Greg and Nick answer questions from readers about their miles and points quandaries. Watch the whole episode here or click on the time stamps below to navigate directly to each question within Youtube.
7:45 – Hey Greg and Nick, with the addition of new AMEX dining, wireless, and spending offers, which are you most excited about? Do you think Chase or Citi will race to compete with these offers?
15:52 – Hi guys I’m looking at the Hyatt or Marriott cards and then upgrade to the Ritz. In November I got the CSP but only after recon. Credit score is in the 800’s and 6 cards/$30K in credit. How do I know if Im at my limit with Chase and if I am would lowering my credit limit help with approvals.
19:48 – Apologies if this was asked already – been outta the loop lately. just wondering about the Hyatt promo for 10 ENCs. If i applied for the card by Dec 31, should i expect to see a split of 5 ENCs initially and then the remaining 5 get credited up to a month later?
22:22 – Sold a few items on eBay over past years, like $0-$100 avg. revenue/yr. Enough to get approved for bizcard of Chase/Amex/Citi? Any cards easier to gets? It’s much harder to get biz card during pandemic?
24:57 – Tips for barclays reconsideration line for 100k Jetblue Business card? (I have ink preferred/ink cash should I state I have these cards?)
27:04 – you guys do some checking acct bonuses, right? do you have any particular strategies with regional vs national banks or Chex sensitive banks first? or just go for highest bonuses as they appear?
30:32 – So, if you sign up for one of the amex hilton cards now, does that mean you won’t get any of the new credits?
33:47 – Any way to convert non-transferable MR points (AKA “Fake” MR points) to real MR points?
36:01 – Would AMEX claw back points for purchasing Gift of College gift cards like they do for other gift cards?
38:45 – Assuming you get 110k Brex Points, what are you going to do with the points?
41:28 – Is making Hyatt award reservation without enough points a globalist benefit? They’ve let me do it, but I get regular angry emails telling me I was a bad boy and better get those points in or else
43:10 – Hi Greg/Nick! I’m torn between applying for the CIBU (heard the 75k offer expires on 2/22) and WOH ($6k spend referral offer may disappear any time) cards. Any advice? Can’t do both due to MS.
47:35 – If I pay with AA “Flight Credit” (I received for canceling a paid ticket) am I able to change/cancel and get the value back? Same Q when using a United “Electronic Travel Certificate” from a delay.
50:02 – Have you heard if anyone has received their Brex account bonuses?
52:19 – What are you thoughts on airline mile subscription programs such as Club Lifemiles?
54:53 – how soon after getting rejected by amex for too many new cards would you reapply? rejected in November. got 6 cards last year and the Alaska last week. so 7 cards in the lat 12 months
57:18 – I am based outside US and I use my US Amex abroad. I find it hard to use perks from Amex such as Uber, Travel credits, Wireless and dinning. Any ideas to make use of those perks?

Do you guys discuss Fluz at all in this? Not listed in time stamps.
Oops! I think it was in response to the first question about the Amex dining credits. We briefly discussed that there are Fluz gift cards that code as restaurants. I think we brought it up again on the last quesiton