(EXPIRED) Simon Malls to offer $1 off Visa Gift Card activation 12/10-12/24 [Rumor]

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Update: This one isn’t a rumor — a reader has provided a screen shot from a mall promo flier as shown here (thanks to Kalei):

a white sign with black text and red text

We’ve received a tip from a reader that Simon Malls will once again offer $1 off the activation fees on Visa Gift Cards when you load the card with between $400-$500 — dropping the activation fee to just $2.95 per card. Simon hasn’t officially released any information on this promotion, but it’s worth keeping an eye out as I wouldn’t be surprised if this one materializes.

a group of gift cards on a black bag

The Deal

  • Simon Malls will offer $1 off the activation fees on Visa Gift Cards when you load $400-$500 on a card from 12/10-12/24/18 according to a tip we’ve received

Key Terms

  • Available in-mall only
  • Past promotions like this have applied to each gift card when buying multiple (YMMV)

Quick Thoughts

It’s always nice to save on activation fees since it drops the cost of generating points. During the last such promotion, I happened to pass by a Simon Mall a couple of times and it was nice to be able to take advantage of it.

A quick tip: if you’re traveling and looking to stop in to a mall, it might be worth calling in advance to make sure they have gift cards. I was in Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago and drove out of my way on the way there to stop at a Simon Mall only to find out that they didn’t sell gift cards. That was the first time I’d run into that at a Simon Mall, but it’s apparently not unheard of. So if you’re traveling for the holidays and think you might slide in a trip to a Simon Mall in an unfamiliar area, you might want to give them a call first.

H/T: David Au

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[…] post: According to a tip received by Frequent Miler Simon Mall plans to offer $1 off Visa gift card activation fees between December 10th and December 24th, 2018. This brings the activation fee to $2.95. In October […]

Brett W

Never bought a VGC from a Simon Mall. Can i “use” these as a debit with the last four of the card number being a PIN?

[…] to a tip received by Frequent Miler Simon Mall plans to offer $1 off Visa gift card activation fees between December 10th and December 24th, 2018. This brings the activation fee to $2.95. In October […]


Nick, I think I know exactly which Simon Mall was that. The Philadelphia Mall, right? You should have driven about 8-10 miles north to reach Oxford Valley Mall which sells Simon Visas.


Does this post really exist? We are advertising saving a DOLLAR?

[…] to a tip received by Frequent Miler Simon Mall plans to offer $1 off Visa gift card activation fees between December 10th and December 24th, 2018. This brings the activation fee to $2.95. In October […]


I have been out of the game for a minute but I remember reading something months ago about Amex (or maybe it was chase) shutting down ppl or not counting points. are we over that period now?

BK kranz

More than once, though it was a while ago, when I used my Barclay Arrival card to do this, it coded as a cash advance. Painful.


The lady at the desk in DC’s Pentagon City Mall told me that over the weekend. If in DC, go see her. She was so nice. It was my 1st time buying at a Simon Mall.