American Express is offering cardholders of the SPG personal card 2,500 Starpoints for adding an authorized user.
The Offer
- Add an additional Card and earn 2,500 StarPoints
Key Terms
- The offer for 2,500 Starpoints expires on September 19, 2016.
- Card Members are limited to a one-time receipt of 2,500 Starpoints through this email offer.
- Bonus points will appear on your Starwood Preferred Guest statement 8-12 weeks after you add an additional Card.
- Additional Card Members must be at least 15 years of age and never have had a defaulted account with American Express.
Need to Know
- You can get the offer via this link.
- You will need your physical card since it asks for the four digit CID.
- Some people have reported points posting within a few days despite the terms.
- Additional cards will have a unique card number and are eligible for their own Amex Offers.
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HT: Dan’s Deals

AMEX said that I’m not authorized to do this online and that I must call in. Do you know what the reason for this may be?
[…] 2,500 Starpoints for Adding an Authorized User for SPG Personal Cardholders […]
[…] 2,500 SPG Points for Adding an Authorized User […]
oops-sorry for double posting!
Any sense if credit score of AU person is impacted at all?
AU accounts often show on credit reports, so it could have an impact on their score.
Credit Karma has a good article explaining it.
Oh shoot. I add one last week. Not sure if they match.
My wife’s father has terrible credit including a divorce, and I’m not sure if there’s any other negative marks for him. If I add him, will his crappy credit in any way affect my stellar credit? Don’t want to use my wife to hurt Chase chances, and nobody else will give me their SS# to add them as an AU.
No, it won’t hurt your credit. Your report doesn’t show info about AU cards for other people. Just make sure not to give him that AU card!
More info here:
Any sense if there’s an impact on credit score for AU person?
Will do, thanks.
If one already has one AU, will one get bonus when adding a second AU?
That’s my understanding, yes.
Will the authorized user not be eligible to receive a sign-up bonus for this card?
No, they can. However, due to Chase’s 5/24 rules, you may want to find someone to add as an AU who is not interested in credit card signups. This is because Chase counts new AU cards as new accounts towards their limit of 5 new cards in 24 months.
In my case, I’m adding my 16 year old son rather than my wife. This should even help his credit history.
But let’s say you’ve had the AMEX SPG card for 3+ years now. If you added, say, your spouse as an AU, then it will show up on his/her report as an account that is over 3 years old…thus it shouldn’t hinder them on Chase 5/24.
Unfortunately my understanding is that Amex doesn’t back date AU accounts (and they’ve stopped back dating new primary accounts as well)