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Tag: Free after Rebate

Free points, cash back, and rewards from Staples

UPDATE: Use code 59367 for an additional $15 off! This deal is good through 12/2/2013.  Rebate ID=13-78325.  Staples has a new Free After...

Free points, cash back, and rewards from Staples

This deal is good through 8/31/2013.  Rebate ID=13-75033.  Hat Tip Trevor. Staples has a new Free After Easy Rebate software download.  These are usually...

TODAY ONLY: Free spend & points from Staples

This deal is good today only 3/3/2013  Staples has two new FAR (Free after Rebate) software downloads today only thanks to two overlapping...

Free points from Staples

This deal is good until November 24 2012 (Saturday). Staples is back with a new FAR (Free after Rebate) software download. Usually, these...

Weekend News

I have a few little things to report… Staples $15 gift card In Staples' upcoming ad, which is valid from Nov 11 to Nov...

A little FAR

This deal is good until September 8 2012.  Hat tip to Peter S.    Staples is back with a new FAR (Free after Rebate)...

Up to 2000 free Ultimate Rewards points from Staples

Staples is back with a new FAR (Free after Rebate) software download! This is a great way to make progress toward meeting credit card...

Free points from Staples until July 22

Staples’ FAR is back!  Finally!  Staples is back with a new FAR (Free after Rebate) software download!  This is a great way to...

1,650 free-ish Ultimate Rewards points from Office Depot

A couple of Free After Rebate (FAR) deals at Office Depot can be a nice point bonanza for those with Chase Ink cards.  ...

Where have all the FAR deals gone?

Earlier in the year, Staples advertised a new Free After Rebate (FAR) deal almost every single week.  Since Staples Easy Rebates are true to...

3450 free points from Office Depot, but I’m not buying

If you have a Chase Ink card that gives 5 points per dollar for office supplies, FAR (Free After Rebate) deals at Office Depot...

Staples Update

Staples has taken a break from giving us free points:  no Free After Rebate items this week.  Bummer!  However there are a few bits...

Yes, up to 2450 more free points from Staples!

This deal is good until April 14. This tip is thanks to a FlyerTalk reader who contacted me.  File this under “unbelievable, but true”. ...

Staples ups the ante (targeted)

Staples has been giving us so much lately (see “Is Staples the perfect PPM?”) that it’s hard to believe they’ll give more.  However, it...

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