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Tag: Walmart

Walmart $500 limits, bill pay, money orders, more…

Last Friday I published "Getting carded at Walmart".  In that post I described Walmart's apparent new policies regarding loading Bluebird cards, buying money orders,...

Getting carded at Walmart

I'll be on vacation until January 6th.  Until then, I'll publish a series of "mini posts" with an occasional regular post if something interesting...

Reader reload research

Below is the latest gift card and reload news, with thanks to many readers... Fee free gift cards... Nope On Friday, I published a...

Reload updates

Quick weekend news about Walmart, the three letter drug store, and the numerically named convenience store...  The numerically named convenience store While I...

Gift card alchemy

What follows is a hypothetical perpetual money machine.  While I've successfully tried each individual step, I've never put them all together as shown...

The hunt for perfect gift cards, part 2

Last week I described the beginning of my quest to find the perfect Visa gift cards (see "The hunt for perfect gift cards, part...

The hunt for perfect gift cards, part 1

Early this week I set out to find the perfect Visa gift cards.  Now that Visa gift cards can have PINs (see "Gift card...

Bluebird swipe reloads via ATM

Note: On January 8, 2015 American Express sent out a notice to a large number of Bluebird & Serve cardholders informing them that loading...

Gift card PINs

The miles and points community is abuzz with talk about the fact that some Visa and MasterCard gift cards now allow you to setup...

Gift card churning news

Last week I outlined ways to earn hundreds of thousands of points and miles through gift card churning (see "The art of gift card...

Bluebird is coming. The sky isn’t falling

American Express and Walmart today announced a new prepaid card called Bluebird (see press release here).  This replaces a product with the same...

How to shut down Walmart with one swipe

This is interesting.  It appears that, at some Walmarts at least, you can forcibly shut down their cash registers simply by using an...

Add an extra $10K spend to your Amex or Ink

If you’re looking to meet minimum spend on a new credit card, or increase spend on a card with bonuses for high spenders, here’s...

Washing Walmart

Last month I bought a $500 Walmart gift card on EBay.  When it arrived, I was afraid I had been scammed.  Read on to...

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