Best Buy is offering $100 gift cards for Uber, Lyft, or Southwest for $90. This could stack with a variety of Best Buy offers to save a bit more and each of these brands are likely useful for many readers.
The Deal
- is offering $100 gift cards for several brands for $90 each:
Key Terms
- Valid 11/26 only (not much time left!)
Quick Thoughts
These offers will end soon. We sometimes see a chance to save a bit more on Uber or Southwest cards, but these discounts are nonetheless pretty good (particularly for use as gifts).
Keep in mind that you may have an Amex Offer good for $25 back on $250 or more at Best Buy (which typically works based on cumulative purchases), a Chase Offer for 10% back up to $25 (check the terms — Chase offers are sometimes only valid one time and if you buy physical cards they are often processed separately), and a Citi Merchant Offer good for $15 off of $150 or more.
H/T: Doctor of Credit

Thanks for such great content. You guys are awesome.
Unfortunately, many of the one-day offers you tell us about show up in my inbox the morning AFTER the offer has ended. Any way to get the news out in time to act on it?
We actually do get it out – when you receive it is up to you.
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Thanks Nick!