Plastiq is a card-based payment service that allows consumers to use credit cards to pay bills where credit cards are not normally accepted. Common examples include rent, mortgage, tuition, etc. Plastiq usually charges a flat 2.5% fee for this service, but thanks to an ongoing promotion (details here) Plastiq has been offering reduced rates (1.99%) when you pay with American Express or MasterCard.
Now, Plastiq has taken things further by offering free MasterCard payments to Utilities when you schedule 6 or more payments.
Does it matter?
In my case, all of my utilities can already be paid by credit card for free so I don’t have any good use for this special rate. If your utilities don’t allow credit cards (or charge a fee for paying with a credit card), then this is a good deal since it will let you earn rewards while paying your bills.
How to schedule payments
I’ve found that the first time I add a biller to Plastiq, I’ve been unable to setup recurring payments with a new payment source until after I’ve made at least one immediate payment. This shouldn’t happen. If you get an error when setting up recurring payments, try sending a small one-off payment first. Or, better yet, contact for help.
Important Notes
- To secure these promotional rates, sign up for a new account using this link: (or, use a similar link found on another publication). Disclosure: I will earn a $5 referral fee for each person who signs up via this link, regardless of whether or not you use the service.
- If you signed up for Plastiq during the earlier promotion (found here), then you do not have to sign up again. You will automatically qualify for these rates.
- If you signed up for Plastiq without going through a promotional link, you can re-register with a different email address in order to get the promotional rates.
- Once you have signed up for the service using the above link, you can browse directly to to pay bills and you will receive these special rates for as long as the promotion is active.
- The end date for this promotion has not yet been set. One way to lock in lower rates is to setup recurring payments.
- Payments can take a few weeks to process, so make sure to have payments sent well in advance of their due date.
- If you pay your landlord for utilities, please contact I don’t know whether or not they’ll be able to help you get the promotional rate, but they asked that people contact them in this situation.
Questions? Is Plastiq reliable? What payments are allowed or not allowed? Can gift cards be used?
Answers to all of these questions and more can be found here: The Complete guide to Plastiq credit card payments.
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[…] Pay Utilities by credit card for free […]
I’m satisfied with Plastiq after having read V E R Y completely through their entire site and the FAQ’s, and went ahead and signed up on the “0% Utilities” promotion. I also checked with two of my utility companies billing dept to see if anyone recognized the Plastiq service – both a major elect & nat. gas supplier are aware of them.
I’d like to address a few issues written above above that might help people making up their minds about using Plastiq:
If you are concerned about not seeing a 0% rate on the right panel when entering your payee data on the left side of the input screen [when using selection “recurring payment] – go ahead and complete the info, hit the”Done” button @ the left panel bottom…and the fee will change on the right side to 0%.
In signing up for recurring payments, and you’re not on some type of budget billing so your utility bill will be different month to month – start paying with a current months bill, one where you know what the amount is. Use that amount as the recurring payment for however long you wish your recurring payment to be…after your payment schedule is finalized you will have the option to go back in and edit the amount to a recurrent payee on each months payment (or to change all the scheduled payments) on a calendar that lists each payee and the date payment is scheduled. So, just go back in and change the amount each month once you get the bill.
Don’t act surprised that Plastiq’s snail-mailing out a check to your payee might take a week…they’re using the US Postal service, ‘fer Christ’s sake, and mailing the checks from the West Coast. (If you use a bank’s bill pay service that does not have an ACH setup with the payee, they’ll just send checks through the regular mail, too.) I set up my Plastiq payments for 10 days ahead of when the utility bill is actually due, just in case.
I used a MC good until the end of 2020, so I now have electric, gas, & city water/sewer/trash scheduled on Plastiq for the next 5 years (may they live so long)…and that is a LOT of miles earned.
P.S.: I plan on making a few here-and-there payments by Plastiq so they can still make a bit off me at their MC 1.99% rate as appreciation for the 0% deal – everybody’s gotta eat, ‘ya know.
Thanks Jean!
Thanks Jean,
I set up a couple bills for the next 4 years as you did, but when I go back to change the amount, it defaults back to charging the current promotional 1.5% fee. This seems to happen whether I try edit the current bill or all of them. I entered amounts on the low side, so I guess I could always pay the difference directly from checking account. I guess it is too be expected, they have to make money somehow, and the promotion is a great way for them to get some customers. A word of warning to anyone paying bills, I paid a bill last month, it took a full week to process, and after I got an email saying it was sent, it took another 9 days for it to hit my account. So, it took over 2 weeks!
Kurt, I don’t know what I can add about your not receiving the promo rate after attempting to change the payment amounts. I’d go ahead and write them; I felt they responded promptly and -a plus- the same CSR as responded to your problem in the first place will be answering any followups.
Plastiq payment ARE slow. They process your credit card on the pay date – call that Day 1, and then seem to take two or three business days waiting until they receive payment from your card issuer before their check writing process in house starts (Days 2 & 3). Then, add Days 4,5 & 6 (business days, not calendar days) to allow for the check to be written, and anywhere from two to seven Post Office mailing days (not calendar days) until received by the payee – making a total of best case: eight or nine, to more likely fourteen+ business days. YMMV.
I’ve decided if I were to use the service for something timing and credit-score critical, like a mortgage payment, I’d have the check written by Plastiq to the bank or servicer, but with my address, so I could re-mail the payment on and control exactly when it went out…and I’d originate the Plastiq payment process a good three weeks before I’d need to get the check in the mail myself. Given the higher Plastiq fee a standard payment is entailed with, the points I’d pick up for a CC payment might not always be worth the trouble, but good to make a minimum spend if you need it. Again, YMMV.
Hi everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that if you have an urgent issue or question, please email or chat us when you login to the app.
Rebecca, what happens if i sign up to pay my electric bill for the next 2 years but then after 1y my landlord sells the house and i have to move out? can i cancel the recurring payment then?!
I don’t think you will have a problem canceling recurring payments. On the site it allows you to cancel. I set it up and and them messed up so I cancelled and it worked. Its not a contract, you should be able to cancel anytime you want.
Hi Dima,
You will definitely be able to cancel the recurring payment at any time.
Just wondering, If I signed up for the recent promotion of 0% fee using mastercard and at least 6 recurring payments for “utlities” how does Plastiq recogize a utility if it is not coded in their system. What if I chose utility in my recurring payments and added it manyallu but really it is just being sent to a management company for rent in order to get the 0% using masterard instead of choosing rent payment?
Hi Jason,
We actually review each payment that is not in our system, so we will see that it is not utilities and reclassify.
Hi there,
For some reason, my initial response didn’t go through – here are some answers to your questions:
1. If I pay rent, will the check go to my landlord’s address? Or should they have an account too?
Yes! No need for them to have an account.
2. Can I schedule payments to multiple providers (like Rent, Elec, Gas, Phone etc) and avail the 0% promo rate?
As long as you set up at least 6 recurring payments to each utility company, it will work.
Utilities are:
Waste (Garbage / Sewage)
Gas / Propane
3. How many months max can I schedule the payments for?
As far out as you’d like, so long as you set them up during the promotion period. Additionally, the payment period has to be before your card expires.
4. Are there any cards that charge a cash advance fee for this?
There are a few Canadian merchants that Visa will charge a cash advance fee. Please email or chat us when you log in, and we can tell you if your Canadian merchant falls in that category.
5. Can you change the payment method during the subsequent months? Like, after 3 months can I change my credit card to pay from?
Yes, but the promotion may no longer apply.
Can you change the payment method during the subsequent months? Like, after 3 months can I change my credit card to pay from?
Rebecca from Plastiq:
It is nice to see someone from the company responding directly here. Kudos!
I have few questions(excuse me, if answered already):
1. If I pay rent, will the check go to my landlord’s address? Or should they have an account too?
2. Can I schedule payments to multiple providers (like Rent, Elec, Gas, Phone etc) and avail the 0% promo rate?
3. How many months max can I schedule the payments for?
4. Are there any cards that charge a cash advance fee for this?
Hi there,
Glad this is helpful! Below are the responses to your questions – if you have an urgent issue or question, please email or chat us when you log-in to the app.
1. If I pay rent, will the check go to my landlord’s address? Or should they have an account too?
No need for your landlord to have an account! It will go directly to their address.
2. Can I schedule payments to multiple providers (like Rent, Elec, Gas, Phone etc) and avail the 0% promo rate?
As long as you are scheduling 6 recurring payments to each provider, and they are a utility, then you will get the promo rate.
Utilities include:
Waste (Garbage / Sewage)
Gas / Propane
3. How many months max can I schedule the payments for?
As many months as you like, so long as the time period is before the expiration date of your credit card.
4. Are there any cards that charge a cash advance fee for this?
There is a cash advance fee for certain Canadian merchants when using Visa – this is a small number so if you are curious, please email or chat us when you log-in to the app.
If I schedule my rent payment thru check for the following 6 months would that trigger the 0% fee?
Hi Gabriel,
Rent is not considered utilities, so the promo will not apply.
The 0% fee promo is described as Limited Time. If we set up payments months in advance, can Plastiq later decide to start charging for them surreptitiously without giving us a chance to cancel?
Hi Max,
The limited time refers to when you set up the payments. If you set up recurring utility payments now (6 or 12 or however many), the promotion will apply to all of those. So even if the recurring payment that was set up goes till a year from now, the promo will still apply.
If you try to set up recurring utility payments after the promo stops running, then the promo will not apply to them.
What if I set up recurring payments and 2 months later I need to edit and increase the amount. Will that affect 0% promo?
Hi there,
So if the payment is edited while the promo is still running, then the promo will apply. But if the payment is edited after the promo has ended, then it will not.
[…] U.S.-based utilities only. […]
Responded as a reply to an earlier comment but not sure if you saw it – Sorry to hear that as that shouldn’t have happened! If anyone experiences this issue please email us at or chat us while you’re logged into the app.
The System is buggy. Added the gas company,which is not on the list, there is no issue with 0% fee. However, when I try to add the electric company, which is on their payee list, they now charge for 1.99%. Don’t think they are coded properly to reflect the promotion.
I signed up using the earlier promotion, when do the 0% become active on my account? I’m still getting the 1.99% Mastercard rate when scheduling 6 or more payments.
They need to be setup using the “utility” category.
That worked, thanks.
You bet! I think a lot of people miss that when reading the comments here and elsewhere.
You said, “In my case, all of my utilities can already be paid by credit card for free so I don’t have any good use for this special rate”…. What is the method?
I am interested in this answer as well. I live in A2 and would love to hear how you pay DTE with CC.
I don’t have a special method. I just log into my utility accounts and setup credit card payments. (amandam: DTE too)