Yesterday, Condé Nast Traveler published “How One Guy Vacationed With Richard Branson…By Using Points.” That guy was me. My wife and I enjoyed an all-expense-paid week on Richard Branson’s Necker Island, and we paid for it with miles. A lot of miles. 1.2 million miles.
Was it worth it?
When we arrived at Beef Island airport, in the British Virgin Islands, a taxi van drove us to a nearby dock. There, Necker Island staff took our bags, handed us Champagne, and welcomed us onto a small speedboat. Eight other guests had already boarded. We sped towards Necker Island and our anticipation grew. In many ways, the boat ride seemed like our entry into an amazing shared dream…
As we neared the island, Necker staff waived from the dock and helped us out of the boat. Then, Sir Richard Branson himself stepped out to greet us personally. It felt very much like the opening scene in every episode of Fantasy Island.

We were led to a nearby table for lunch while our bags found their way to our rooms. As we introduced ourselves to the other guests, lunch appeared. One delicious dish after another was set in front of us family-style. Nearly everyone at the table was new to the island. And our shared first-time-on-island experience quickly bonded us together.

I hadn’t intended to tell the other guests about how I used miles to book the trip, nor that I blogged about earning miles without flying for a living. I feared that people who had spent over $30,000 for the week would be pissed. But soon enough I was asked directly about why we chose Necker Island and I answered truthfully. No one seemed disturbed at all. Instead, their eyes lit up. They wanted to know how to find my blog and whether they could do this too! Most of the guests were British, though, and so wouldn’t have access to the same credit card offers and deals that I write about. Still, they promised to share the blog with their American friends.
One guest who arrived later that night asked if I was The Points Guy. Um, no.

My favorite conversation starter was to ask other guests why they chose Necker Island. Over the course of the week I learned that I wasn’t the only one with an interesting story. At least two other guests had booked the island with miles. One flies Virgin Atlantic for work and charges everything to his Virgin Atlantic credit card. The other owns a business and charges all expenses to his Business Platinum card. This was his third year visiting the island thanks to transferring Amex Membership Rewards points to Virgin Atlantic. One guest had won the week at a charity poker tournament. Two had won charity auctions. One had received the week as a gift from a friend! Another was there for the second week in a row. She explained that she was signed up for Virgin Galactic and that every year many soon-to-be space tourists visit Necker Island at the same time (the week before my trip). Was Necker Island included in the Virgin Galactic price? Nope. Apparently (and, in retrospect, this shouldn’t be surprising) many who can afford a Virgin Galactic ticket (currently: $250,000) can afford an annual week on Necker Island as well.

You can’t get bored on Necker Island…
I hiked:
I only got lost twice hiking around the island
I paddle boarded (and got my name on the records board despite a very slow time):

I pedal boarded:
That didn’t go exactly as planned
I snorkeled, free dived, and SCUBA dived (dove?):
Sadly my underwater camera is now permanently underwater. I forgot to strap it to my scuba gear.
Group activities included a guided hike around the island (no getting lost that time!), zip-lining, Lemur feeding, off-island excursions, a tour of Richard Branson’s estate on nearby Mosquito island, a tennis tournament, Champagne Sabering lessons, and several evening parties. It was great.
Lemur Feeding
Sir Richard
Richard Branson frequently spent time with the guests. He dined with us several times, joined a few parties, and actively participated in the island tennis tournament (and scored the winning point). I had a number of opportunities to talk with him. We discussed what would happen if Alaska Airlines dropped the Virgin America brand (he would re-start Virgin America as a new company). We talked global warming (I mentioned that my wife and I own a positive energy home and we earned a “well done!” from Richard). We talked politics. And, we discussed miles. In fun, he gave me the finger.

Lodging, meals, and weather
Our room was in the truly great Great House. Our patio and full ocean view was drop-dead gorgeous. The patio included an outdoor shower which I used daily. While the room itself wasn’t huge, it was luxuriously appointed and perfect for our needs. The king bed was incredibly comfortable. Every room included island necessities such as sunscreen, bug repellent, straw hats, and a wicker beach bag. Laundry deposited in the bathroom laundry bag was washed and pressed daily.

Breakfast was served every morning at the Great House at a large outdoor table. Both buffet and menu service was available. My favorite but admittedly boring choice was their Eggs Benedict.

Lunch and dinner locations varied each day. Some meals were served family style, some included menu service, and a few were buffet style. Meals were almost always excellent.

Drinks flowed non-stop. Nearly every gathering spot on the island includes a well-stocked bar. And every staff member was more than happy to step behind the bar to serve drinks. Sometimes we even ordered non-alcoholic drinks.
With regards to weather, we were very lucky. Even though it rained several nights (almost always while we slept), every day was sunny and clear. Each day’s high temperature was in the low 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Was it worth it? Was it worth 1.2 million miles?
The single 1.2 million Virgin Atlantic mile price included all taxes, all tips, all meals, all activities on the island (except massages), and all off-island excursions for two people for 7 nights. We did have to pay ourselves (mostly with points, of course) to fly to the British Virgin Islands. Once we arrived, though, I put my wallet away and never touched it again all week.
On the other hand…
While the island was beautiful, we’ve been to more beautiful places. While the food was excellent, we’ve had better. Price-wise, I expect that it would be possible to cobble together a similar sounding trip for far fewer points.
I don’t believe that anything else in the world would be quite like this. The island, the incredible staff, the animals, the fellow guests (now friends!), and even Sir Richard Branson himself combined to make Necker Island magical… a true fantasy island. It was a vacation of a lifetime.
So, was it worth 7 months of my time to collect 1.2 million Virgin Atlantic miles?
Hell yeah.
See Also:
- Considering the 1.2 million mile Necker Island challenge
- Necker Island Day 1
- Necker Island Day 2
- Necker Island Day 3
- Top 5 reasons Necker Island may be worth 1.2 million miles
- Here’s what Richard Branson thinks of our hobby

[…] knew about Necker Island and Moskito Island from blogger reviews, but I didn’t know that Richard Branson has […]
[…] you’ll be manufacturing them for a couple of lifetimes for sure. Well, unless your name is Frequent Miler and you’ve just received a time machine from Amazon that can send you back to […]
[…] When my wife and I visited Necker Island it cost “only” 1.2 million miles. See my review here. […]
[…] this was fun! Four years ago my wife and I spent a week on Richard Branson’s Necker Island. We had a fantastic time. And now, thanks to this blog’s StayCay to Far Away Challenge, I […]
[…] In 2016, I exchanged 1.2 million Virgin Atlantic miles for an all-inclusive week on Richard Branson’s Necker Island. My wife and I loved it. The experience was incredible. It was absolutely worth the high price. You can read my 2016 review here. […]
[…] asked for a government loan to help keep his airline afloat. Mr. Branson even offered his famous Necker Island home as […]
[…] 一百多萬點里程聽著很多,其實對於很多dlb(尤其是北美薅信用卡的)來說並不是那麼難完成,所以網上的體驗文不少。整個系統裡它應該是和萬豪新貴北島豪華精選並列為雙壁了吧! […]
[…] 一百多万点里程听着很多,其实对于很多dlb(尤其是北美薅信用卡的)来说并不是那么难完成,所以网上的体验文不少。整个系统里它应该是和万豪新贵北岛豪华精选并列为双壁了吧! […]
[…] Necker Island main pool. . My wife and I spent a fantastic week on the island in 2016. You can read about our adventures here. […]
[…] If you’re not familiar with Frequent Miler’s trip to Richard Branson’s private island, “Necker Island”, then you should see his post “Is Necker Island Really Worth 1.2 Million Miles?“. […]
[…] Frequent Miler on Necker Island […]
[…] a flexible currency at a similar (or in many cases better) rate. However, if I ever want to go to Necker Island, I’ll need help spending towards Virgin Atlantic Silver status, and this card can provide […]
[…] may remember that my wife and I used our miles to visit Necker Island in the fall of 2016 and we loved it. Richard Branson actually lives and works on the island so guests are likely to have many […]
[…] they can reduce the cost to $40-50k. Still an incredible amount of money, but I’m sure Frequent Miler will figure out some way to do it on points […]
[…] Is Necker Island really worth 1.2 million miles? […]