It’s Cyber Monday! That means that you are currently being bombarded with emails and ads for Fantastic Deals! Sales of the Year! Just for You Discounts! Deals that Won’t Last!
If you’re like me, you find the torrent of deals overwhelming. But you may also worry that you’ll miss the best deals if you don’t Act Now! This can lead to irrational purchases.

My advice? Keep Calm and Stack On.
Through methods described on our Extreme Stacking pages and posts such as “Holiday giving and getting: Prepare now“, it’s possible to score big discounts all year, on almost anything. For example, in the post “Extreme Stacking gifts for over 60% back in rewards,” I showed how it was possible to average over 60% back in rewards for a variety of purchases. Of course, savings that big can’t be had every day, but sizable savings are almost always possible.
The key is to stack as many of the following as possible:
- Offers linked to your credit card (such as Amex Offers)
- Credit card category bonuses
- Online Shopping Portal deals
- Gift card deals
- Coupons
- Membership discounts
- Promotions
- Merchant rewards
Instead of worrying about today’s deals, I’d argue that its better to learn how to get great deals all year long. That way, there’s no pressure to hurry and buy things now that you may or may not really need.

[…] Cyber Monday: Keep Calm and Stack On – Cyber Monday is over, but the reminder to ensure you are getting the best deal is still relevant. […]
This post is so generic. Greg have you been mailing it in lately. All those posts by your dopey sidekick. Geez this blog has fallen a long way.
I’m perfectly fine with slow periods. There’s no need for a constant stream of contrived drama. Actually, I would like to see fewer email alerts of no significance, or I may have to unsubscribe from them entirely.
So, are you saying that Cyber Monday is for amateurs? You are, of course, right. It is so easy to get caught up in the adrenaline/dopamine buzz of getting a great deal. Many of us that read your blog have learned to manage our addiction since excellent deals happen with such regularity.
I don’t anticipate buying anything today (it isn’t over yet). My 5 kids are between 25 and 30. They don’t want more stuff. So, we are taking them + one’s S.O. to Playa del Carmen, Mexico for Christmas. Of course, the hotel, flights and even a full day tour of Mayan ruins are covered by points and miles. My greatnieces are getting contributions to their college funds via points-earning gift cards. Their parents want gift cards. That’s easy. (get it? Staples. That’s easy… and an Amex offer!) The toys for Toys for Tots and a few baby clothes/twirly dresses for the greatnieces are already acquired through deal stacking.
The deals I’m hoping yet to see are for Giving Tuesday. My siblings and I make charitable contributions in each other’s names for Christmas. I like to wait for “matching” days.
Good solid advise – Thanks Greg.