I don’t know about you, but this happens to me all the time. When my wife or I decide to buy something, I wonder if an Amex Offer can help make it cheaper. I could log into our Amex accounts and look through the Amex Offers for You section, but that would take quite a while. Across our primary and authorized user cards, my wife and I have a very large number of Amex cards. And it’s not enough to look at just one to see if an offer is available. Many offers are targeted just to certain cards.
Here’s a solution. Visit our new page: Current Amex Offers. On that page we’ve done our best to assemble all of the currently active Amex Offers into one searchable table. For example, suppose you’re planning to stay at a Hilton hotel. In that case, you can type “Hilton” in the search box to filter to the offers that have Hilton anywhere in the name. There you’ll see multiple opportunities to save up to 20% at Hilton properties:
Currently the table contains only offers found on my (or my wife’s) cards, but over time we’ll add offers that readers find on their own cards when they’re not already listed. If you find an offer like that, please post the details in the comments of the Current Amex Offers page.
Over time, we also plan to add notes about key offers to help people figure out how best to use them. In some cases the note may simply be a link to a relevant post, or it might be a quick tip such as “Use promo code XYZ to get an additional 15% off”.
Keep in mind that if an offer appears on the Current Amex Offers page, it does not mean that you have that offer on any of your cards. Instead, it means that you might have the offer and if it’s a good one that you can use, you’ll know to go hunting for it.
What do you think? Will this be a useful tool going forward? Please let me know!

[…] How to know if an Amex Offer is available? by Frequent Miler. Very nice! […]
Yes, this is an awesome idea and thanks for doing it…
I was honestly just looking for something like this a week ago now that Chase has an offers program too, and it was hard to manage both AmEx and Chase. I made a spreadsheet on my phone homescreen to track ones I’ve signed up for, but I’m going to link this resource page to my home screen too! Great work, Greg, and thanks!
I need to try this.
Great idea indeed.
This will be a great addition. Just last week I was trying to figure some way to search generically if there was an Amex Offer at a certain merchant BEFORE painstakingly checking each of my 8 cards with offers. This could save me a lot of time. Thanks Greg!
Wow! Thank you!
Would be nice to have a “date added” column too. The biggest challenge I have is finding the nice *new* ones among all the meh.
Yes, good idea. I’ll add that. The date, though, will be the date it was added to my database. So, it wouldn’t be meaningful right now (since almost everything was added yesterday), but in the future it will be.
Would it be possible to add a category tag or key word(s) search descriptor? Currently, in order to see if one can save on gas/groceries/etc. you can’t simply search for the keyword ‘gas/groceries’, you have to search for the brand Exxon, Chevron, Fred Meyer, Whole Foods, etc.
Thank you!
That’s a good idea. To be honest, I’m not sure when I’ll get to this though
No rush Greg, at least it’s been noted and on the ‘wish list’ so to speak 😉
Great idea.
Does anyone know if……………..you buy the OfficeMax gift card w/Amex Offer, then can you use that OM GC to buy other gift cards sold at that store.
I know Lowes does not let you buy gift cards with a Lowes gc.
No, unless things have changed, you can’t use an OM gift card to buy other gift cards.
Hi guys,
Is there some place that discusses these amex deals in detail? Of course many of these like PF Changs I think are known by mere mortals like me, but some of these (to me) are such arcane companies, I have no idea really what they do nor how they can be helpful to me.
You can always discuss in comments here or better yet via the Frequent Miler Insiders Facebook group
Absolutely! This just happened to me last night. Ready to buy, and recalled an Amex offer. Check out Line was too long to step aside to research but WiFi was too slow to access multiple pages quickly. One stop info will be great!
It’s a desktop/laptop shortcut only, but I expand the offers on my browser first tab, duplicate the tab and switch to the next card and so on. I only have 4, but once they’re open, I use CTRL+F on each page and type in the merchant and it finds it fast for me (or doesn’t). It saves me a lot of time.
+1 very efficient way of checking/adding offer