Some people are reporting what seems to be a glitch with some Amex Offers as both Membership Rewards and statement credit versions of an offer are showing. It seems like this has been caused by American Express changing the offers available on MR-earning cards from earning statement credits to Membership Rewards.
Doctor of Credit mentioned this change yesterday after seeing reports on Reddit, while a reader shared their experience with this glitch. Her Amex EveryDay card went from having bonus Membership Rewards Amex Offers to statement credits one day, then reverted back to the original setup the following day. Other people’s cards used to only receive statement credits and now have a good selection of bonus Membership Rewards offers too.
Even more interestingly, the statement credit Amex Offers remained on the account in addition to the ones that offer bonus Membership Rewards. That means it should be possible to double dip offers.
In other cases, it’ll be possible to triple or quadruple stack. Take the above 1-800 Flowers Amex Offer for example – here’s what you could earn when spending $50:
- 1,500 Membership Rewards
- $15 statement credit
- 1,500 United miles (the MileagePlus portal is offering 30x at the moment)
- 10% back from the Dosh app
This means you can earn 1,500 Membership Rewards and 1,500 United miles for a net cost of $30. That effectively makes it a profitable deal so long as you value MR and United miles at greater than 1cpp and that’s before you take into account the flowers received.
This glitch is definitely YMMV though as neither my wife nor I seem to have been affected as far as I can tell. Given that it’s American Express we’re talking about, there’s also the chance that they’ll claw back one of the offers. I’d assess that risk as fairly low though given the relatively small amounts of money involved – it’s not like the Staples Amex Offer where they could’ve been on the hook for up to $10,000 in statement credits for a business cardholder with 99 authorized users.
If you are seeing duplicate Amex Offers, I’d suggest loading them to a card ASAP in case they don’t last for long, whether that’s due to Amex pulling the duplicates or the offers receiving the maximum number of enrollments.

I have two Membership Rewards Accounts (yes, different MR program numbers). I was hoping adding the offer to the card linked with one MR account would not remove the offer from the other cards but it still did.
[…] offers below for example, which were posted by Frequent Miler, are showing on the same card. There’s already a few data points that once you complete the […]
they will most def claw back those rewards
[…] an image of two offers showing up on the same card from Frequent Miler. There’s already a few data points that once you complete the spending requirements, both the […]
Nice. Thinking about pulling the trigger on a new casper mattress with both offers. Doesn’t seem like you can split payment though (King + adjustable is $2500, so would like to use 2 cards/4 amex offers). Anyone have any experience with the mattress or splitting payments?