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Greg The Frequent Miler

Greg The Frequent Miler
Greg is the owner, founder, and primary author of the Frequent Miler. He earns millions of points and miles each year, mostly without flying, and dedicates this blog to teaching others how to do the same.

Chasing Harry Potter

NOTICE: This deal is now dead.  Congratulations to those who got their tickets in time!  See Harry Potter Chased Away for more. Using Chase's Ultimate Rewards for a great redemption other than airline miles or...

The Perfect Perpetual Point Machine, Part Three

In part one of this series, I introduced the idea of the quest for the perfect perpetual point machine. A perpetual point machine (PPM) is a scheme in which, after a little push, hotel...

My Million Mile Interview

This morning, Daraius at Million Mile Secrets published his interview with me, Frequent Miler! Million Mile Secrets is one of my favorite blogs, so I'm totally psyched to be featured! Here, now,...

A quick note about Square

In a previous post, I described how to meet minimum credit card spends by buying American Express gift cards and turning them into cash using a service called Square. Since then, I've heard...

The Family Mileage Run

A few days ago I took a look at my family's Delta MQM balance for the year. MQMs are Delta's "Medallion Qualifying Miles" (most non-Delta people refer to these as EQMs: Elite Qualifying Miles)....

RIP Sears Ultimate Rewards Bonanza

I've written numerous posts about how to take advantage of the Sears 10 points per dollar bonus award through the Chase Ultimate Rewards mall. I'm sad to report, however, that at approximately midnight...

Hacking Hawaii

NOTE: Please also see a newer post: Hacking Hawaii Revised. Last week, Mrs. Miler and I were at a dinner with friends when the topic of Hawaii came up. They've never been, but...

The Perfect Perpetual Point Machine, Part Two

In part one of this series, I introduced the idea of the quest for the perfect perpetual point machine. A perpetual point machine (PPM) is a scheme in which, after a little push, hotel...

How to meet minimum credit card spend AND get 50,000 to 100,000 extra miles

As I'm sure you know, credit card companies frequently offer huge sign-up bonuses. NerdWallet, for example, lists seven current bonus offers worth at least $500 for signing up for credit cards and meeting minimum...

Lots of Extra Ultimate Rewards Points for Holiday Inn and Intercontinental Reservations!

Chase's Ultimate Rewards mall is currently offering 10 bonus points for every dollar spent when reserving rooms at Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, and Intercontinental Hotels. So, if you have the Chase Sapphire Preferred...

Save on airfare by booking a vacation package

This trick does not always work, but when it does you can easily save hundreds of dollars in airfare. Most airlines have an affiliated travel agency that sells vacation packages. Examples include Delta Vacations,...

Save with near-airport car rentals

When booking travel around the holidays, car rentals can be shockingly expensive. Rentals that are usually about $30 per day often shoot up to $100 per day or more. If you're staying a while,...

Check your bags all the way

The last thing you would expect to find on a BoardingArea blog is advice in favor of checking bags. There are many reasons not to do it. For example, if you're hoping for a...

Better Hotel Internet

One unusual gadget I take with me whenever I travel is a wireless pocket router. Just like a standard wireless router, this device turns a wired internet connection into a wireless one....

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