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20% off Lowes and iTunes gift cards

The following offer is valid until June 16th.  At Michael’s stores (in person, only), you can buy $50 Lowes and iTunes gift cards for $40.  Hat tip to readers Jason and Mitch. Things...

Trip Results Washington DC

This past weekend I flew to Washington DC for the Star MegaDO Launch Party.  You can read about the party here and here.  I’m not going to write about the MegaDO or the launch...

Staples $15 off any $100 gift card

Thanks to Greek2Me for this tip: Staples sent out coupons to their favorite customers via email on Monday.  One of the coupons was this $15 off your $100 or more purchase: Greek2Me’s...

American Express loves to give us money, part 2

Earlier this evening I wrote about how to get a free $25 gift card from American Express if you already own a prepaid card.  Then, while I was out eating dinner, I received an...

American Express loves to give us money

Several readers alerted me to this one.  If you have one of the American Express Prepaid cards that I wrote about in the post “One card to rule them all” you should see this...

Buy Ultimate Rewards Points for less than a penny

Now that Barnes & Noble is back to 10X in the Ultimate Rewards Mall (see “Ultimate Rewards Mall June Edition”), this trick is once again viable.  I first wrote about this on March 23rd...

When the deal goes awry

A bit over a week ago, the Southwest Airlines shopping portal (Rapid Rewards Shopping) offered 15 points per dollar when shopping at  In the post “Sears 15X: Leveraging the deal” I showed a...

Ultimate Rewards Mall June Edition

Every month, the Ultimate Rewards Mall has new month-long specials.  Last month, I wrote about the May specials in the post “Ultimate Rewards Mall Awesomeness!”  Today, I’ll show you how things look for June. ...

Minimum spend requirements? Kivalens to the rescue

One of the problems with credit card sign-up bonuses is that many have large spend requirements.  For example, the current public offer for the Ink Bold requires $10K in spend in 3 months to...

Sony 30X success

Three weeks ago I wrote about my Sony gift card experiment in which I bought a Sony gift card through the Ultimate Rewards Mall and then used the gift card through the same mall...

Cartera’s Ultimate Rewards

Caution: for most readers this will be a “so what?”, or a “who cares?” post.  If you’ve never heard of Cartera Commerce, then you’ll probably want to skip this post. Cartera Commerce is...

Time is ticking on awesome Ultimate Rewards Mall deals

On May 1st, I published “Ultimate Rewards Mall Awesomeness!” where I showed a number of great deals in the Ultimate Rewards Mall.  This post is simply a reminder of those deals.  You only have...

What to do with those Sears gift cards…

Last week the Southwest Airlines shopping portal (Rapid Rewards Shopping) offered 15 points per dollar when shopping at  I wrote a number of posts with ideas for capitalizing on the promotion. The key...

Sears 15X: Results so far

Earlier this week, the Southwest Airlines shopping portal (Rapid Rewards Shopping) offered 15 points per dollar when shopping at  In the post “Sears 15X: Leveraging the deal” I showed a number of ways...

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