Is the Maldives really overrated? The myth of one-size-fits-all.


Greg and Nick wrote two great posts earlier this week about which credit cards are currently in their wallet and why they have them there.  That was followed by an in-depth discussion on the most recent Frequent Miler On The Air digging into the best cards for various spending categories and comparing them to what they have and use.  Interestingly enough, the cards in each of their wallets differed significantly and both of them were willing to accept suboptimal value based on their individual situations and spending goals.  In essence, even for pros like Greg and Nick, the “best” credit cards vary from person to person and are situational, regardless of the broadly-held opinions of the points and miles community.

This got me thinking more generally about how we earn and burn points and miles for travel and what factors influence our decision-making. Mark over at Miles to Memories wrote a couple of interesting posts this week that (somewhat hilariously) ruffled quite a few feathers. First off, he described why Hyatt Globalist wasn’t worth it for him…and from some of the reactions, you’d have thought he was insulting someone’s mother.  Then he posited that Alila Ventana Big Sur was becoming the “next Maldives,” in terms of being a somewhat overhyped “gotta have it” destination whose demand is created by influencers and groupthink.

a couple of men swinging on a rope swing
Greg and Nick had a great time in the Maldives, but is it for everyone? Does it need to be?

As you may or may not know, Greg the Frequent Miler LOVES the Ventana, so it took a while to calm him down.  But I find it really interesting that The Maldives has become almost a perjorative shorthand in some circles for overpriced, undervalued and IG-driven travel.  Is that true?  Is there such a thing as an “overrated” destination?

Even more importantly, how do we go about thinking through the best ways to tailor our points and miles adventures to what we truly enjoy as opposed to feeling pressured to visit specific destinations that we see in travel guides and points and miles blogs?

Thinking through it, there’s a few things over the years that I’ve had to learn the hard way – and keep having to relearn – in order to make sure that this game stays fun and rewarding.

a writing in the sand

1) There’s two ways to look at value: Cost-Per-Point and Enjoyment-Per-Point.  It’s not always the same thing.

One of the first questions in my interview with the Frequent Miler team was “what has been your best value point or miles redemption?”  I responded by asking, “are we talking about cents-per-point or enjoyment-per-point?”

While I’m not going to put my best CPP redemption on the interwebs (you can ask me in person sometime 😉) and it was insane monetary value, I don’t know that it would even make it into the top 5 of my most enjoyable redemptions.  For many of us, it can be extremely easy to get so caught up in chasing the gaudiest CPP redemptions that we lose sight of the biggest gift of points and miles: it allows us to have experiences in the world that might otherwise be out-of-reach…and the “point” is to enjoy it!

a building with palm trees and flowers
Westin Hapuna Beach

For years, my favorite points redemption in the State of Hawai’i was the Westin Hapuna Beach, formerly the best beachfront property in Hawai’i bookable with a Marriott 35K cert (but no longer).  Hapuna Beach is actually bookended by two Marriott properties, the other being the excellent (and much more expensive) Mauna Kea Beach Hotel.  They are both great value redemptions, but I actually prefer the Westin…although that’s a subject for another time.

I once met a guy who was staying at the Mauna Kea while my wife and I were staying at the Hapuna Beach.  We chatted for a bit and he told me “you know, I actually wanted to stay at the Westin, but I couldn’t bear the thought of using my 50K certs on a 35K property.”  He was so focused on maximizing two expiring certs that he chose a property he liked less in order to get better value…and enjoyed 1/3 of his yearly vacation less because it. I’ve certainly done the same thing over the years, if not quite so obviously, and it’s something that I try to keep in mind now.

a city with water and a body of water

2) Don’t let FOMO kill the joy of earning OR burning.

In a famous-ish speech from the ever-so-kitschy original Dune, Kyle Mclaughlin reminds himself, and us, that “fear is the mind-killer.”  For those of us in the points-and-miles community, I’d amend that to “fear of missing out is the mind-killer.” We live, earn and burn in a world of missed opportunities, inconsistently applied elite status benefits, dynamic pricing and hard-to-find redemptions.  Things live and die AND there are always more chances.

I’ve met many people over the years staying in a marvelous property in a fantastic destination that are pissed off for a good chunk of their stay because the front desk played games with a suite upgrade.  I can get so wrapped up in wringing out every last dollar of category bonuses, trying to score the absolute “best” flight award and getting the exact room I want, that I can miss out on the thrill of victory at the fact that I’m getting thousands of dollars of travel and rewards annually for pennies.

Just because there’s a first class cabin doesn’t mean that business isn’t still a whale of a time.

a tower with fireworks in the sky

3) Tourist attractions can be…attractive

I had a lot of punk rock friends in college.  For them, a hard requirement of being able to enjoy a band was that only 50 people (ideally less) knew about it.  I would have earnestly hilarious conversations with folks who would sadly tell me that one of their favorite bands “sold out” by playing bigger venues and selling more albums.  The music hadn’t changed, but once the audience got bigger, it killed the joy of the experience.

For some us, it’s easy to “punk rock” our travel.  Before I go further, let me say that overtourism is real.  Venice or Amsterdam in the middle of the Summer can be absolutely overwhelming for even the most crusty and crowd-tolerant…let alone local residents.  I’m completely behind moving travel to shoulder or off-seasons, staying with local folks and finding more remote and less-visited parts of the world to enjoy as parts of many strategies to lighten the load of our travel footprint.

That said, there’s also a tendency for some of us to avoid the most iconic experiences in the well-trodden corners of the planet simply because they are “touristy.”

Many urban areas have the “big tower:” Paris’ Eiffel, Tokyo’s SkyTree, Auckland’s SkyTower, etc.  I know many folks who avoid them like the plague because they are, almost uniformly, over-priced and full of tourists (like me).  But they can be magical as well.  Some of my fondest memories from travelling to these cities over the years involve the towers: watching Bastille Day fireworks from the Eiffel Tower while sipping sneaked-in beer with my nephew; having dinner in the SkyTower with my wife on our honeymoon in NZ (where we briefly and terrifyingly thought a bungee jumper going past our window was trying to end it all).

One of the richest (and no longer possible) experiences of a first time in Seattle was to make dinner reservations in the Space Needle’s revolving restaurant an hour before sunset and slowly watch the sun dip over the Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains as lights of the city came on.

a restaurant with a view of the city
Sunset from the Space Needle’s old restaurant

My point is not that everyone has to go up the SkyTree while in Tokyo or even that some popular tourist attractions are not worth it for some people.  It’s just that many places in the world are justifiably popular and it would be a shame to never experience them simply because everyone else tries to as well.

4) Understand your style

I think that this is the main point that Mark was trying to make in his article and something that I’ve had to learn the hard way over the years.

When I was younger I couldn’t understand how anyone would choose to spend the money and time to pass away a whole week at a beach resort.  Overpriced and boring!  Now, I do it at least once a year and look forward to it immensely as a way to rest and recharge.  I used to try and pack in 3+ museums in a day in what would invariably be a death march of antiquities, architecture and art.  Now, we limit it to one and take a break if we’re there for more than two hours…and I enjoy, remember and appreciate what I see so much more.

a woman sitting at a table with her hands over her face There are so many must-see’s, suggested itineraries, hidden gems and perfect award redemptions in the world, and probably none of them appeal to all of us.  Some of my closest friends love LA.  It’s not my thing, I’m much happier further south in San Diego.  I never get tired of Japan.  For my wife?  Meh.  There’s a real freedom in understanding how you like to travel and embracing it without feeling like you “have” to fit any destination, site or redemption in.  Again, the “point” is to enjoy this stuff!

So, is the Maldives really overrated?

Ok, so back to what got me thinking about all of this to begin with.  Is the Maldives just a beach that takes two days to get to and a small mortgage to afford? Is it a myth created by influencers and social media to make everyone who goes to Florida feel bad about life?

Is it overrated?  No. Is it for everyone?  No as well…just like any other place in the world.

I absolutely loved our time in the Maldives and plan to go back.  I was buzzed by a whale shark, snorkled with manta rays and got to watch sharks circle below our overwater bungalow from a float pool.  The sunsets are glorious.  And we also immensely enjoyed our time exploring the capital, Malé, a slice of South Asian Manhattan almost unbelievably packed onto a 2 sq km island. It’s electric and filled with kind people.  For me, it’s a fascinating and unique place.

a wooden deck with a railing and a body of water
Le Meridien Maldives Overwater Bungalow Deck Sunrise View

Would I take a family there?  Probably not.  Would I go there if I only had one week of vacation?  Probably not.  If I wasn’t a fan of water activity and beach vacations, I think it might be a version of hell.  Although Greg and Nick had a great time, they weren’t exactly gung-ho about making the effort to return.

The summary of all of this Sunday rambling is to say that there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all when it comes to points and miles.  This is true whether we’re talking about the ideal credit card strategies to earn our points and miles or the redemptions that we choose to spend them on.  And that’s part of the fun.  This is a collaborative, yet very personal game we play and tailoring what’s out there to our own likes and dislikes is part of the challenge…and the reward.

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Great piece.
Actually I think that the Maldives is far from overrated. I an now in Florida Keys where I booked two nights in Key Largo Curio Collection and two nights in Key West Waldorf Astoria. The rooms are over $1000 per night or 90k points. I like the Keys, it is really nice and so.e parts reminds the Maldives. However, it is nowhere near Conrad Maldives which cost the same dollar or points price. Especially with the beaten Waldorf Astoria I felt I was robbed. Adding to that you do not get breakfast in the USA, I think that Florida is overrated. I don’t even compare with the 35k meridien as that is a “special deal”.


Why is it total radio silence regarding the fact that you’re vacationing in a country operated by an oppressive, abusive government?


Why is it an open Fact Bill Gates electric bill is $35K a month.No one cares if they want to go there.look around most are going that way too.


I don’t come to Frequent Miler for thought pieces.

I’ve never been to the Maldives but I believe if you are writing an article asking if they are overrated then the answer should be yes. This is just deceptive click baiting. I have not learned anything (unless Miles to Memories turns out to be good. Heading there now.)


This is your best article yet Tim, stick with your gut and keep it flowing.


Most headlines that are solely a question contain the answer “no” within the article. When the answer is “yes,” the headline is usually written as a statement instead.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andy

Lol! That’s a great tip!


I love this so much! Thank you. Amsterdam in winter is good. And, one of my husband’s and my best travel days was deciding to rent bicycles and ride all through the Tiergarten in Berlin…instead of visiting Nefertiti in a museum. It’s all about what the individual enjoys and what is a priority for them.


You mean have Fun ??


Great article. The food and service made Ventana so great. Bringing firewood to your door 5 min. after a text. Heading to the Maldives in a couple of weeks. Where else are you going to get a guaranteed overwater villa for 30k points. Yes, I overspend on air flights if it gets me where I want when I need to be there. I try doing 2 great events when flying halfway around the world. Soon it will be Maldives and Al Maha. That makes the long flights worth it.


If your gone a month who cares about Flt. Time. Have Fun too !!!!


You and me both!! But not until next April. How am I going to wait that long?


This is a really good post. I suspect most people come to similiar conclusions, especially after a handful of trips. But, this is well stated.
Particularly true for me is the beauty of shoulder/off season. For many destinations the weather is MORE pleasant and crowds much smaller. How much more enjoyable is a high end resort when it’s half full? (A lot).

Totally off topic… You reference another interesting post from a different blog in this post. There used to be a “this week around the web” post that I think Nick did that was very helpful. It made me spend less time on other blogs actually because any super useful posts would show up there. Who can sift through all the garbage at TPG to find the occasional really helpful post? Anyhow…I was wondering if there’s any chance of bringing that back.

Michael Tarlow

So we’ll written and so true. I’m one of those who wouldn’t have ever considered to use 50k pts on a 35k hotel. I don’t know if I ever will but at least now I’ll consider it. And isn’t that the point of the article?


Great post. When I first started in this game, I totally fell for all the hyped aspirational places. I stayed in ridiculously huge suites in HK and SIN and Bali. I travel alone, so it was really insane. It was impressive, but after about 24 hours, you just wonder what to do with a full dining and living room. I’ve learned that the luxury plane experiences are worth it to me. Hotels with breakfast, ditto. I do like a nice room, because I spend more time in my room than most travelers, but a 3 room suite is no longer on my bucket list. I care about location and sometimes enjoy a nice spa (though I often choke on what luxury properties want for a 50 minute massage) but unless it involves club level access, they can keep their suites. To Tim’s point, though, people traveling with kids or even a spouse with a different body clock probably get a lot of mileage (no pun intended) out of separate living rooms. Many people are going to spend the day in a lounge chair at the pool or on the beach and don’t care about the view from their room. I want to SEE the ocean from my room because I won’t be ON the beach more than about 30 minutes in the evening. (#toofairforsun, #oneskincancersurgeryisenough)
To each her own.

Last edited 2 years ago by mbh
Points Adventure

Greetings from San Diego. Excellent article, Tim, esp about the concept of EPP. Obviously points can bring us wonderful experiences, but some of my favorite experiences were dirt cheap and required no points (at least the ground portion).

I sent you a msg on Facebook.


Great article Tim!


When I read your subject line of “Is the Maldives really overrated”, I got excited as I’ve been wondering the same myself for a while. Sadly your article doesn’t really answer it. Was hoping to have some comparisons with other gorgeous beach vacations etc..


I agree Slaven. It’s not that I think the Maldives is overrated, but I don’t think it’s worth a 24+ hour journey to and from the US. If I’m closer to the Maldives, I think I would make a pit stop for a few days to check it out.


I can’t remember if this was in one of the MtM articles itself or one of the comments, but there was a line that said something to the effect of, “People take all these crazy 24+ hour itineraries to get to the Maldives; meanwhile they’re flying over another ten or so perfectly good resort/beach destinations along the way!” Well, what are they? I haven’t seen anyone actually answer that question.

A few years ago, I had a blog-inspired trip that included Bali, but my Bali experience wasn’t at one of those mega-resorts… because it was inspired by this blog post: We stayed at a local AirBnB in Ubud for $40/night and had a driver take us around the island to temples, rice fields, and other local areas. Some of my favorite memories are from that trip, but I have to be honest and say I owe it entirely to that blog post, because I never would have figured out any of that on my own.

Perhaps the next FM Challenge should be who can put together the best island vacation that is not the Maldives or Bora Bora?

Dr. McFrugal

Excellent post, Tim!
I enjoy your perspective. I am always trying to maximize my enjoyment whenever I can.


Very enjoyable read, Tim!


A necessary and excellent post. It’s great to be aspirational, but one does not need to aspire to the same things as everyone else. One can be satisfied with something a little less than what is “the best” or “what is to be aspired to.” Having multiple choices when it comes to travel is a great great thing. What do YOU want out of travel? Where do you want to go, where do you want to stay? Where do you NOT want to go, where do you NOT want to stay? If everyone does the same thing, where’s the sense of creativity? How does one know about all the different choices in lodging and air travel when everyone does the same thing?

As for me with the Maldives, I’m split. I can’t deny that it looks spectacular. You can make the journey there or the time spent there into a very luxurious holiday. But… even if you do have the plane tickets and the hotels all paid for, you still have to pay for the food which is a lot of money…

I’ll leave with this comment which I have been asking a few of my friends who have been to the Maldives now: “Remember how back in the day, the “go to” hotel in the Maldives was the Park Hyatt, and now nobody talks about this hotel anymore? It’s “old news” (even if it is probably still a very luxurious hotel).

Last edited 2 years ago by Euro

Great post, Tim!