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Greg recently wrote a post about the misfortune of Hyatt extending his wife’s Explorist status (See: Hyatt extends wife’s elite status by 3 months but I’m not thrilled). Good news: both she and Greg just matched to Explorist, complete with 4 club upgrades – skipping the hassle of the status extension. This is awesome news. If you currently have Explorist status but didn’t re-qualify, you’ll want to make your move on this right now.
The Deal
- Match M life Gold to Hyatt Explorist today and receive Explorist status through February 2019, complete with four Club level upgrades
- Direct link to match M Life to Hyatt online – Note: You’ll need to open a tab and log into your M life account before clicking that link.
How and why to do it now
As noted in Greg’s previous post on this topic, Hyatt Explorist and M life Gold statuses match up — meaning you can match from one to the other. If you currently have Explorist status, but did not re-qualify, you’ll want to make sure you have matched that status to M life Gold.
Because M life status runs on a different calendar, it does not expire until September 30th of the current year. Users on reddit have discovered that you can match your M life Gold Status to Hyatt Explorist status today. While you may get a message saying that your status was already matched, when you log out and log back in you should see that your Explorist status was extended to February 2019. You can match from M Life to Hyatt online at this link.
Within minutes of matching again from M life Gold to Hyatt Explorist, Greg received the following email:
As expected, the four fresh new club upgrades posted to his account immediately.

If you have M life Gold status or can match to it, you’ll want to match to Hyatt ASAP, especially if you have received the “extension” offer that prohibits matching during the promo period and does not come with these club upgrades. While matching between the programs is ongoing, Hyatt was obviously intending to limit some people from matching until June. There’s no telling how long this will last, so it makes sense to take advantage sooner rather than later. Furthermore, as Greg noted previously, there’s also no telling how long the status match merry-go-round will continue to spin, so it makes sense to get on and enjoy the ride while you can.
H/T: reddit

[…] in late February, many readers may have matched their MGM Gold status to Hyatt Explorist status. MGM status runs through September 30th, so your Gold status likely dropped to Sapphire this week. […]
Hyatt / Mlife status match from 2017 to Explorist not honoring Club Certificates for 2nd year of Explorist.d) Explorist Club Lounge Access Awards:
1. Receiving Explorist Club Lounge Access Awards. Upon receiving or re-qualifying for Explorist status, Explorists will receive four (4) complimentary awards redeemable for Club lounge access (“Explorist Club Lounge Access Awards”). For Members who have received Explorist status for a multi-year term, additional Explorist Club Lounge Access Awards will not be awarded each Calendar Year upon elite status renewal (unless the Member otherwise re-achieves Explorist status by satisfying the Tier-Qualifying Night or Base Point accrual requirement). In no event will a Member receive more than four (4) Explorist Club Lounge Access Awards upon launch of the Program on March 1, 2017. If, while you have an elite status higher than Explorist, you complete activity that satisfies the requirements to earn Explorist status, you will not receive Explorist Club Lounge Access Awards unless and until you are placed into the Explorist tier for the Calendar Year immediately following such qualifying activity.
[…] For more on matching your Hyatt and M Life accounts, see this now-expired deal: Match M life to Hyatt Explorist NOW, skip extension and get club upgrades!. […]
you can no longer match to Hyatt Globalist…this is a downgrade in benefits. Previously MLife Noir matched to Globalist.
Right. That changed was announced / happened last year.
Thanks much, Nick! Today Mar. 5 Mon. @3P, that “Link” worked. Yes, you’re very right, I did open a separate tab and logged into my MLife GOLD account first. Last week, I called for extension of 2 remaining club upgrades, not possible even for a month extension, Hyatt has the most rigid, KGB like policy.
any hacks to get to mlife gold? their cc?
PS: As I matched today, Explorist is valid until Feb 2020! That’s awesome!
[…] Dank an FrequentMiler. […]
Expired? Not at all! Thank you 😀
Thanks, worked fine this morning though as noted you do have to logout and login to see updated status. The 4 club upgrade certs are great for family vacations.
Had considered doing some mattress runs for the fast track to Globalist last fall but it’s not worth much without the suite upgrade certs.
Try Today. I get an error. “We’re Sorry” partner user not match world of hyatt user.
Fantastic! Thanks Nick.
Nick- Can Hyatt Explorist be matched to any other programs?
I’m mobile right now so just a quick answer. See the top of my head without checking, you should be able to match potentially to Hilton, Best Western (potentially useful because some people have reported that status never expires, so it can come in handy for future matching promotions) or Choice Hotels I believe. Not sure exactly what you’ll get in each without checking.
Thanks so much! Instructions were clear and worked perfectly.
worked, thx nick! so on 9/30 or after when mlife gold drops off, we’ll look for a link to match hyatt explorist back to gold?