Now add Chase business cards to digital wallets


Chase has sent out an email this morning indicating that Authorized Officers can now add a Chase business card to Apple, Samsung, or Google Pay and use mobile technology to check out in-store. That’s great news for those who are into contactless payment and carrying a light physical wallet in exchange for a digital wallet full of the necessities.

a screenshot of a phone

While the screen shot above was taken from an Ink account, similar emails went out to those with c0branded business cards.

Note that the message indicates that “authorized officers” will be able to add the card to a digital wallet. I take that to mean that a primary cardholder will be able to add the card to a digital wallet, but that “employee cards” will not be eligible to add to a digital wallet.

It is also worth noting that just because you can add the card to a digital wallet and use it to pay doesn’t mean that a store will accept it in all cases. For example, I imagine that office supply stores in some places will still insist on a physical card and ID. Furthermore, keep in mind that digital wallets may limit purchases in some cases (in some cases, digital wallets will block large purchases for suspected fraud). In other words, this may not replace carrying your Chase business card altogether, but it can at least make it handy at times when you didn’t realize you would need it.

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Worked for my ink cash, not my ink unlimited.

A c

Anyone able to add their ink unlimited? Kept giving me error and saying the card doesn’t support digital wallet yet. I tried to delete and add the card again but still not working. My ink cash cards linked up fine.


Awesome news!