Dan’s Deals reports on the fact that a number of Chase cards that previously covered Global Entry or PreCheck once every four years have quietly added reimbursement for the NEXUS fee as an alternative. While NEXUS is cheaper, it is arguably more valuable for many travelers.
I am admittedly less familiar with the various expedited-entry options for re-entering the US. I typically use Mobile Passport upon re-entry and haven’t felt a need to sign up for Global Entry or PreCheck despite having a wallet full of cards that cover the services (and cards that now cover CLEAR as well).
According to Dan’s Deals, the hierarchy is basically TSA PreCheck for $85 for 5 years (which doesn’t include other services), Global Entry (which costs $15 more and includes TSA PreCheck), and Nexus (which ironically costs only $50 for 5 years and includes both PreCheck and Global Entry as well as expedited entry to Canada). You can read more about the differences in Dan’s post.
Beyond the value of having all three services in one (cheaper) package, Dan notes that NEXUS allows kids under 18 to get a free membership when they apply together with their parents. In other words, your kids can apparently also get Global Entry and PreCheck for free.
The good news is that Dan also reports on several cards carrying the credit for NEXUS once every four years. In addition to the recently-launched Chase Air Canada Aeroplan Mastercard, he notes the Chase Sapphire Reserve, United Explorer, United Quest, and United Club Infinite cards all picking up NEXUS as a credit option. I would certainly expect the Chase Ritz-Carlton Visa Infinite will pick up the same here, though I don’t see either a Global Entry or Nexus benefit mentioned within my online benefits.
Overall, this is great news for those who prefer NEXUS. For those who don’t travel to Canada much anyway, this may not be a very consequential change. Also keep in mind that you’ll need to visit a NEXUS enrollment center, which may not be convenient for those who aren’t near the border already (with some exceptions).

Came up to this article looking for cards to use for renewal. Feels like a resource that could use an update
The challenge I experienced with Nexus is that there are no appointments available to interview due to closures in various parts of the Canadian government. I couldn’t get interviews online either nor interviews on the USA side of the border. I have been waiting for a Nexus interview for 2 years and finally was advised to cancel the application and do global entry instead.
Hmm….. The CHASE SAPPHIRE site (https://account.chase.com/sapphire/reserve/benefits) reads, under note 9: “…The statement credit benefit applies to the Global Entry or TSA PreCheck programs only. Other program applications including, but not limited to, NEXUS, SENTRI, and Privium are not eligible for the statement credit benefit.”
I believe that the global entry card can be used in the NEXUS lane at the border.
So functionally there should be little difference.
NEXUS only works between the US & Canada, that’s why it’s cheaper. It is not a replacement for global entry if you are visiting countries other than Canada.
This is not true. NEXUS members get all of the benefits of Global Entry in addition to expedited entry into Canada. (I’ve had NEXUS since 2012).
Useless for new enrollees. Amex Platinum already offers this in Canada. My status has been pending for months.
May be common in Canada, but this would be new for US residents.
The Ritz Carlton card covered our Nexus renewals in Feb as part of the $300 incidental credit.
The benefit is no use for newbies because Canada just closed enrollment centers this week due to omicron. That includes Canadian staff in US centers so new enrollees are fked.
And my understanding is they had only been reopened for a few weeks – so it’s been basically impossible to apply or renew since March 2020.
This is not true. I renewed last year during the pandemic. It took several months, but they did process my renewal without requiring an interview. They are also still processing passport updates and other clerical updates at some US sites by snail mail followed by email once assigned to a staffer (CBSA was not when we tried). I’d argue this makes it even easier for these requests since you no longer need to visit an enrollment center.
The OP is correct that the biggest challenge is for new enrollments because the centers are closed. At least they’re no longer doing the iris scans, which were only done at Canadian sites, so when they reopen you have more options.
Nexus is a great program and I’m happy to see this added benefit.
Good to know. My last renewal in 2017 I was required to visit an enrollment center (I think because of my travel history) so I imagine ymmv. I’ve seen reports elsewhere of people whose renewal applications have been pending for nearly all of 2021…
NEXUS wait was significantly longer arriving YVR last week
Normal entry to Canada via kiosk (no trusted traveler needed) staffed better – NEXUS was a bigger difference before kiosks
Nexus is a HUGE timesaver when driving, nice to quickly bypass the hour(s) long waits in the Nexus pass lane
We live in San Diego and cross to Tijuana and the rest of Mexico frequently and use SENTRI (which is for Mexican land crossing whereas NEXUS is for Canada). We’ve been reimbursed in the past with various credit cards that offered the Global Entry credit while applying for SENTRI.
Do you recall the specific cards?
I don’t unfortunately. We have four family members with various expiration dates and usually I have at least one card open at the time when the renewal is processed. I looked at the list of cards currently and I don’t have any of them open that provide the benefits.
We use Nexus for SENTRI lanes when entering the US from Mexico (just like entering the US from Canada). No vehicle inspection either.
As I understand it, NEXUS applications are only available along the northern US border, and SENTRI along the southern border. Do each work at both borders, or is there an advantage of one over the other? We expect to be crossing the Mexican border a couple times a year in the future.
@ Scott – you asked a simple question with a complicated (& lengthy) answer but here goes (Canada rules included, too):
As you already know, there are 3 Trusted Traveler programs: Global Entry, Sentri and Nexus, all managed by the CBP. They each use their own radio frequency identification (RFID)-enabled cards. Where available, drivers can use a dedicated Ready Lane to expedite crossing into the US from
Canada or Mexico with any of these 3 cards (Ready Lanes do not exist on the US side into Mexico or Canada). You will share these lanes, however, with people with other types of RFID cards. The agent doesn’t have to type in your info (since your RFID chip transmits before you get to the booth), so these lanes are still quicker than a regular lane but not as quick as Sentri & Nexus lanes, below.
Sentri Lanes: are only for returning from Mexico back into the US on foot or with a vehicle. Global Entry, Sentri and Nexus members can ALL use these lanes to cross back into the US from Mexico, but you cannot access these lanes without one of these 3 cards (including TSA PreCheck by itself). You must be traveling in an approved, registered vehicle but if you have Nexus (only), it doesn’t have to
be inspected. Sentri lanes are not available for going INTO Mexico.
Nexus Lanes: Global Entry and Sentri members can use the Nexus Lanes coming INTO the U.S. Global Entry & Sentri cards, however, are not valid for entry INTO Canada via the Nexus lanes – you have to have the Nexus card. People with other types of RFID cards also cannot use a Nexus lane (but can use a Ready Lane).
Nexus is the cheapest and most inclusive card for both Mexico & Canada but is also the biggest inconvenience to get. The Nexus card also serves as proof of US citizenship while in Canada, so you don’t need your passport in tandem.
Global Entry & Sentri work well for all but getting into Canada in an expedited Nexus Lane. I have personally saved hours each trip having my Nexus card at the San Diego crossing and at Peace Arch heading up to Vancouver (from Washington), as examples.
I have always traveled with my husband on these road trips (who also has Nexus) but be aware everyone in the car (including kids) must have Nexus to use the Nexus Lanes (and asking forgiveness over permission does not work as you are sent away to the back of a very long line!). Also, all adults (not kids) in the car must have an RFID card to use the Ready Lanes.
Hope this helps
This is fantastic info. Thanks Pam!
Thanks, Pam! It seems like a key point is that the vehicle has to be registered. So just having PreCheck/Global Entry/Sentri/Nexus status doesn’t do much good unless you’re traveling with someone who’s vehicle is registered.
We’re in Mexico now and, and should have thought more about this before we left.
You didn’t say how long you are in Mexico, Scott, but you might try registering your vehicle now in your GOES account. It might be approved before you head back to the US and, if not, you have a headstart for your next trip to Mexico (in event it takes months to approve).
If other readers choose to register, a cost saver is try & do when you first sign-up for GE/Nexus/Sentri since there is no charge at that time…only when you go back & add.
For Nexus Lanes, btw, you don’t have to register your vehicle, making expedited rental car passage possible at the Canadian border. Finally, car inspections have been dropped entirely for accessing Sentri Lanes since the time I applied ages ago.
Wait, what?? Nick doesn’t even have PRE-CHECK? I think this may be the most shocking travel blogger news since SimplyMiles. How can this be so and why? I think this calls for a blog post.
Indeed, especially PreCheck given how relatively easy that one is to get.