There are credit cards out there which are not available new, but are still supported for those who already have them. In this episode, we have a prediction about a few cards that will soon be this kind of “collectible” card.
Coffee Break: Predicting the next credit card collectibles
(00:00) – What is a credit card collectible?
(00:54) – Chase IHG Rewards Club Select Credit Card
Learn more about the Chase IHG Rewards Club Select Card here.
(01:49) – Citi Prestige
Learn more about the Citi Prestige card here.
(04:17) – Capital One Venture One card
(07:36) – Ritz Card
Learn more about the Ritz Card here.
(09:31) – US Bank Altitude Reserve
Learn more about the US Bank Altitude Reserve card here.
Read about updates to the US Bank Altitude Reserve applications here.
(12:39) – Barclays Aviator Silver?
Learn more about the Barclays Aviator Silver card here:
Thoughtful topic
– Citi Prestige > Strata Elite, maintains mojo
– Citi has stated it wants Barclays AA credit portfolio, Aviator likely conversion to Citi
– USB has been on a devaluation trend for a year. Maybe the AR stays but redemption rate drops
If Citi gets the exclusive credit card relationship with American, do you think that AA will become a transfer partner for the Citi Thank You points?
Nah. AA wants too much money for their miles and the math just does not add up for any issuer. Even Bilt, an ecosystem without SUBs and hard to earn points, could not hang on to AA for long. If Citi gets AA, it will bleed too much from all the transfers.
My wife and I just canceled our Chase IHG Rewards Club Select Credit Cards a few months ago. With the 40K point hotel cap, it was getting harder to find stays under that cap. And to make matters worse, you can’t use additional points to get a stay if it is over 40K.
Here are 2 honorable mentions:
Chase Ink Plus – card you can’t get any more but I love the 5x at office supply stores and the ability to transfer UR points to travel partners
Barclays Hawaiian Airlines – how long will this card be around for and what do you think will happen to this card after the Alaska Airlines merger is completed?
Yep. I still have my Chase Ink Plus for the 5% internet and phone.