Valid through 12/20/2014. $20 ePromo cards are good only 1/2/15 – 1/31/15.
Buy a Staples eGift card (which will be valid for use at any time) and get a $20 ePromo card valid only in January. Limit 2 per customer.
This deal amounts to a 16.7% discount off of Staples’ merchandise since you can get up to $120 worth of stuff for $100 (e.g. $20 off on a $120 purchase). That’s great if, and only if, you know that you will buy stuff from Staples in January.
NOTE: This purchase is handled by Cashtar so you will not earn portal rewards and you will not earn 5X points if you pay with a Chase Ink card. Best bet: Pay with a $100 Visa/MC/Amex gift card that you bought based on previous Quick Deal posts!
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Does it say anywhere that we can’t purchase gift cards with the $100 epromo card? I didn’t see anything, but I didn’t really really look close.
no, it doesn’t say anywhere. I learned this the hard way, as I now have $100 that I can’t use to buy visa gift cards on FYI, don’t make the same mistake.
Thanks for that info. I’ll pass on this then. I don’t have the time to make sure I use the promo money within the limited time frame.
Good value for those already making a future purchase and/or those who have the time to do so… unfortunately not in my wheel house.
What about other gift cards online? For example kohls is $90 for $100 on staples.
same on all gift cards (kohls, visa, etc..) I tried them all!
guess you can’t buy visa gift cards on with this promotion. learned the hard way about this.
YMMV, but, Staples cashiers have let me buy other gift cards with Staples gift cards.
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