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Tag: Kiva

Doing good and earning points with Kiva microloans

Doing good and earning points with Kiva microloans | Coffee Break Ep33 | 11-12-24...

Kiva is a clearing house for microlenders to help them find funding for microloans. You don't earn interest on these loans, but this can...
a woman in a lab coat

My Kiva spend experiment

For the past 8 years, Kiva loans have been a significant part of my credit card spend strategy.  With Kiva, it's possible to increase...
a collage of images of people and animals

Why I love Kiva for earning rewards and doing good

Yesterday, a friend named Ariana published a negative post about Kiva "Why I’m No Longer Using Kiva To Earn Points And Miles."  In that...
a credit card being held by a robot arm

Automating Spend

After writing up a deep dive into the Virgin Atlantic World Elite Mastercard, I decided to maximize spend on the card by spending exactly...
a green field with trees and a person in the background

FlexPerks kills Kiva 3X

For years I've regularly paid for Kiva microloans with my FlexPerks Visa card.  The US Bank FlexPerks Visa card has long offered 3 points...
a close-up of a credit card

How to liquidate small denomination debit gift cards

There are many reasons that you may end up with lots of small denomination debit gift cards.  OfficeMax frequently runs deals, such as "$15...
Manufacturing Spend

Credit Card Spend in 2016 and Beyond

There was a time when the US Mint sold dollar coins online at face value, with free shipping, and allowed customers to pay with...
a screenshot of a computer

Increase Credit Card Spend (and do good) with Kiva and Kivalens

Update 7/29/2017: US Bank no longer codes Kiva as a charity. This post has been updated accordingly. Kiva is a nonprofit organization that facilitates micro-loans...
a screenshot of a computer

How to fix Kivalens (so that you can do good and increase credit card...

I published a primer on increasing credit card spend through Kiva in 2013 (see: Kiva: loans, points, and miles).  I believe that all of...

Kiva: loans, points, and miles

Making Kiva loans is one of my favorite ways to increase credit card spend.  Kiva loans help me reach minimum spend requirements for new...

Do good, earn points: chance to win FTU, Milepoint Premium, or a place on...

Kiva is a nonprofit organization that facilitates micro-loans to enterprising individuals around the world so that they may earn their own way out of...

Milepoint Kiva Lending Team 2nd Anniversary

Kiva is a nonprofit organization that facilitates micro-loans to enterprising individuals around the world so that they may earn their own way out of...

Cash+ Experiments in Progress

I recently signed up for the US Bank Cash+ credit card.  The card is free, and it is very likely the best cash...

Win a spot on the Star Mega DO

This is a quick note for those interested in attending this year’s Star Mega DO (basically a big party on a chartered jet for...

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