I write a lot about gift cards. I’ve written about how use gift cards to save money at Amazon.com, Kohl’s, and just about everywhere. I’ve also written many posts about how to leverage gift cards to earn points and miles. For just a few examples, see “Gift Card Churning,” “5X everywhere!,” and “Almost too good to be true”
All of these posts don’t change the fact that dealing with gift cards can be a pain in the you know what. Carrying a big stack of cards is no fun. Trying to remember how much money is left on each card is worse. Then, between e-gift cards and physical gift cards, the chance of simply losing or forgetting about your money increases as you get more cards.
Luckily, GoWallet is there to help. [I realize that sounds a lot like a commercial — that wasn’t my intent. I’m not being paid in any way for this review].
Ever since a reader named Anne told me about GoWallet, I’ve been using it to keep track of my gift cards. GoWallet can be accessed on the web or on your smart phone (I use it on my iPhone). It’s a simple matter to type in each gift card’s number and PIN, and from then on, use GoWallet to find that information. Your card numbers are protected both by a login password and a PIN code for extra security.
Registering Cards
When you get bank gift cards (Visa, Mastercard, Amex), it’s a good idea to register your name and address. Often, online purchases are not possible unless your card is registered. One nice feature of GoWallet is that for some Visa gift cards, you can register your name and address directly within GoWallet. This feature worked for me with $200 Visa cards I bought at OfficeMax, but did not work with the $500 gift cards I bought at Office Depot.
Tracking Card Balances
When this works, it is a killer feature. If you’re about to use a gift card, simply open GoWallet and click the Update Balance button. Soon, you’ll see exactly how much money is left on your card. This feature has worked successfully for me with $200 Visa gift cards purchased at OfficeMax, $100 Visa gift cards purchased online at Staples.com, and with Kohl’s gift cards. The feature has not worked with $500 gift cards purchased at Office Depot, or with Walgreens or Sears gift cards.
Pain Reliever / Life Saver
Since I’ve started using GoWallet, I’ve found that gift cards are still a pain in the ass, but less so than before. I like that when I think a card is empty, I can use GoWallet to double check before tossing the card in the trash. One time I apparently forgot to do this because GoWallet showed a small balance for a card that I had already discarded. I would never have known without GoWallet! Thankfully, I was able to use the card number stored in GoWallet to buy myself an Amazon gift card with the exact remaining balance.
Now that I’m used to GoWallet, I can’t imagine trying to deal with gift cards without an app like this one. My only frustration is that many merchant gift cards and bank gift cards do not work with GoWallet’s balance checking feature. In those cases, GoWallet is still useful, but much less so.
If you use or know about competing products, please let me know. I’d love to do some comparisons to see which is best.
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[…] 5. GoWallet.com simplifies your gift card life – Frequent Miler […]
[…] 5. GoWallet.com simplifies your gift card life – Frequent Miler […]
[…] 5. GoWallet.com simplifies your gift card life – Frequent Miler […]
[…] 9. GoWallet.com simplifies your gift card life – Frequent Miler […]
Bump. GoWallet is shutting down this month, March 2016. Any good alternatives?
I’m sure there are plenty of other options, but I haven’t tried any, so I can’t recommend them. Anyone else have recommendations for GoWallet alternatives?
I actually purchased this card today. And so far im very unhappy with it. I am out $26. I put $20 on it and had to pay $6 activation. I tried to purchase a computer game from a company here in the USA. But I got error every time. So I contacted the company that made this card. They tell me the game company charged it as continuous charge which they did not. Also they tell me the company is out of the country. Which they are not. So I tried at other companies and still same issue. So basically I wasted my money on something that does not work and poor service. The supports only answer was oh well when I said I am loosing money…
zer0darkx: I think you meant to put this comment in my GoBank post not my GoWallet post? They are two very different things with similar names.
Howdy this cherished one! I need to say that this post is wonderful, awesome created and may include virtually all significant infos. I’m going to search additional blogposts this way .
[…] unlike credit cards, gift cards do not offer purchase protection. As I wrote about last week, an app called GoWallet can help a lot, but it doesn’t come close to solving all of these […]
[…] Remember to use an app like GoWallet to check your card balances when you’re on the go. See “GoWallet.com simplifies your gift card life.” […]
I have about $50 worth of amazon gift cards, but I’d prefer that being pay pal money. Is there a way I can exchange it (like buy paypal money with my amazon cards)
[…] a way to maximize category bonuses or to off a spend requirement, the Frequent Miler’s post about GoWallet.com might be a lifesaver! GoWallet will manage and track your gift card […]
Sounds great! With this we will not have the anxiety of misplacing the physical gift cards.
Great tip!
Did you know that Awardwallet allows you to track your Amazon Gift Cards?
Also, a while back I noticed that you can enter your gift cards on Upromise and earn rewards for when you use them.
Thanks for the tips! I just downloaded the app and added all my gift cards. I was excited to learn what’s left with my Sephora, Panera and Starbucks card. It’s like finding $40 bucks that I could spend. Too bad it didn’t work for my other cards.
But I can definitely see myself using this app more often to manage all my cards in one place! I can’t wait to see them support more cards.
Really useful app and service. Definitely need to support more cards though. It’s a good start though and I found $2.57 I didn’t know I had.
Bringer: Good Idea. We should all reach out and contact them so they add more cards. They say that they are adding more cards too.
Jin: you can download the Andoid App from the market. Works great too!