Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks. But, this year, I’ll throw in a “no thanks” here and there as well…
Target Prepaid REDcard (AKA REDbird)
- Thanks for 7 months of free credit card loads and 5 additional months of easy debit loads!
- No thanks for going cash-only
American Airlines
- No thanks for copying Delta and United’s devaluations. You used to have the best loyalty program of the big three. Now you’re satisfied being no worse?
- Thanks for occasional award sales
- No thanks for ruining family travel with your new Comfort+ rules
- No thanks for buying Starwood
- Thanks for inadvertently giving some of us Hyatt Diamond status and maybe Hilton Diamond status too!
- Thanks for the Deal of the Year
- No thanks for excluding gift cards and putting the burden of proof upon the consumer
American Express
- Thanks for fantastic Amex Offers
- No thanks for ruining small business Saturday
American Express Gift Cards
- Thanks for years of portal rewards
- No thanks for limiting portal rewards to $200 denomination cards
- Thanks for continued great signup offers
- No thanks for making it much harder to get approved
US Bank / Club Carlson
- No thanks for ending the Bonus Award Nights benefit!
- Thanks for giving free nights to anyone who complains about your credit card changes
- Thanks for continuing to add new transfer partners to ThankYou Rewards (while we’re chatting, please add AA next… or, better yet, Alaska)
Bank of America
- Thanks for making Necker Island possible!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photo credit: LadyDragonflyCC

Definitely a second to the Discover bait and switch program, what a disappointment. Even though I can’t complain about saving 22% on groceries, I would not have applied for the card and taken the hard pull.
Thanks to Barclays multiple Arrivals, Hyatt and potentially HIlton for Diamond status, Wyndham for their massive re-evaluation in points, Southwest for their two year companion pass, Citi for the Prestige and fourth night free, and Amex for keeping Bluebird for another year.
No Thanks to Amex and Chase for reducing the frequency of their bonuses, Hyatt for changing their Grand Bed, and Marriott for buying Starwood.
Thanks to FM for the great blog and the blog readers for their helpful comments!
echo the yelp re. discover — for having the worst, most unreliable tracking system for their miserable portal…. guaranteed to add stress to your life, while leaving the burden of proof on those who followed the pied piper into the discover’s never land….
I too have stopped using discover…. til something changes. Once that double-cash back comes at end of year one, it’ll be buh-bye discover.
Greg, when you get back from Necker Island, you owe us a major re-think on Discover…. (even if they’re still one of your sponsors)
Discover hasn’t been a sponsor for a long time.
Thank you for all your insightful posts throughout the year and wish you and your family a fruitful travel year and lots of new life experience
Oh, this could be a new tradition, of “no thanks” nods. Delightful sardony.
I add a “no thanks” to m&p bloggers who keep hawking the AMex “small business saturday” as if it’s still a big thing. Makes it easier to discern which bloggers have long sold out their integrity. (you know who you are)
Thanks for this post. Good read with my morning coffee.
I noticed United is so blah, they didn’t even make the list. LOL
Thanks citi for citigold 50k nd cc funding