Most Discover cards offer cash back rewards. For example, the Discover It card offers 1% cash back for all regular purchases and 5% cash back on purchases within categories that change each quarter, up...
UPDATE: This was great while it lasted, but the opportunity closed quickly. Please see: $500 Vanilla window slams shut at Office Depot. $500 Vanilla gift cards, MyVanilla Debit cards, and Vanilla Reload cards have...
Today I have some miscellaneous stuff to report about credit card and prepaid card shut downs: Citi ThankYou: In May I reported that Citibank was shutting down accounts of ThankYou Preferred cardholders (see...
Happy July 4th everyone! I took a rare vacation from blogging last week. We attended my niece's high school graduation in Buffalo, then spent a day wandering around my old home town near Princeton...
Last night I passed along a report from the blog Travel with Grant saying that $500 gift cards are back at Office Depot. He found $500 Visa gift cards at a local Office Depot...
Last week I was excited to see that Point Princess had found Vanilla Reload cards at a TA gas station. I immediately checked online here and found a TA station close to my home. ...
UPDATE: This was great while it lasted, but the opportunity closed quickly. Please see: $500 Vanilla window slams shut at Office Depot. In February I reported that Office Depot had stopped carrying $500 Visa...
Yesterday I published the following Quick Deal: Free book of stamps with $75 Office Depot purchase After publishing the deal, I noticed that the terms & conditions do not exclude gift...
As you've probably heard from numerous other blogs, the latest IHG Rewards Club's PointBreaks list looks pretty good. Every few months, IHG Rewards Club (previously known as Priority Club) releases a new list of...
Ever since TopCashBack raised their payout for Amex gift cards to 2% (see "Should I report this deal?"), people have been emailing and tweeting to ask "what now?" What can I do with these...
Its no secret that the easiest way to earn frequent flyer points & miles quickly is by signing up for a few credit cards. Many cards standardly offer 40,000 to 50,000 point bonuses. In...
I love New York style pizza. To me, the best pizza is a plain cheese slice with plenty of sauce, and dripping with grease. The perfect slice will flop over when picked up unless...
I currently have 32 active credit cards in my name. Many are no-fee cards, so I'll keep them indefinitely. With the others, I'll make a decision when the annual fee comes due: keep, cancel,...
I currently have 32 active credit cards, 9 prepaid cards, 5 debit/ATM cards, and a constant rotation of gift cards. That's a problem. It's not the credit card annual fees that I'm worried about. ...