Greg’s bucket-list fjord tour of Nærøyfjord in Norway [Video]


Last month, Greg enjoyed a whirl-wind world-tour for our annual team challenge: 3 Cards, 3 Continents. Behind the scenes, he had a few frustrations booking his ANA round-the-world ticket, and the trip originally had an entirely different itinerary. The critical error with the Spain/Morocco version of his trip came down to an ANA agent’s failure to collect the security code on the back of his credit card. *cringe* Lucky for Greg though, this failure allowed him to return to an earlier idea with a special, bucket-list destination: Norway.

Greg fell in love with the quaint and beautiful town of Bergen, Norway immediately. But the real inspiration for this destination was as a launch-point for a tour of the Nærøyfjord (or “Narrow Fjord”, one of the most beautiful fjords in Norway. You can read more of Greg’s own reflections of both Bergen and the fjord tour in this post.

You may have caught a few of our reels on Instagram as Greg marveled at the fjord views, but the video below gives a more complete picture of the experience. (Not unlike his experience with Bergen, it’s full of views that are equal parts adorable and beautiful.)

The fjord tour started in Bergen, where Greg and his culinary concierge Maisie Wilhelm joined a group (by van) to Voss, where the video starts. In Voss, they boarded a quiet and environmentally-friendly battery powered cruise boat for a 2-hour journey along the length of the beautiful narrow fjord. Once on the other end, the van picked them up again to return back to Bergen.

Also in the video is a quick recap from Greg about the booking error that brought him to a final, Bergen-inclusive itinerary.

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I wish you would follow me around with a Bluetooth speaker and select background music for my life.

Last edited 1 year ago by Andy

Beautiful video footage and excellent editing by Carrie 🙂