Chances are you saw this video of Nick cooking handmade pasta with his adorable son in the Destination Cooking portion of our #StayCaytoFarAway challenge, or this video of Stephen packing an entire kitchen into a craft tote for our Travel Themed Life Hack Challenge, (or this video of Richard Branson chiming in to cheer for Greg!)
Despite the tough competition, today I took on our third video challenge: Imitation Travel in which contestants must use whatever’s available to them at home to try and create fake travel footage.
This challenge was much harder than I thought. I found myself drawing stoic faces onto beer cans and fashioning a hoodie for a barbie out of a glasses cleaning cloth, only to scratch my head and begin all over again. The barbie just didn’t look enough like me, and the beer cans didn’t look enough like the Moai of Easter Island. (What a surprise.)
As I was laying awake one night trying to think of my next idea for this challenge, I stumbled upon an old Instagram photo I’d posted in Porto, Portugal. Using a sticky note, I’d illustrated a tiny little boat for my glass of port.
This got my gears turning. Thanks to Drew’s affinity for outdoor sports in the heat of Texas, we always keep a hefty supply of gatorade around – the unnaturally blue kind. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been to a number of lakes around the world that shine with a strange, gatorade-like cyan color. Lake Louise in the Banff region for instance, or Havasupai Falls in the Grand Canyon. It’s not such a stretch then for me to turn my glass of gatorade into a mountain lake, right?
Does my gatorade lake remind you of someplace you’ve been?
If you think this art project is even a little bit cool, make sure to like this video in Youtube, and subscribe to catch all the rest of our #StayCaytoFarAway videos!

[…] Post: Some good background info, but not a necessary read. […]
[…] Imitation Travel with Carrie (our post with more info) […]
It looks nice and very close to the real travel picture. The background music is good, too.
In the travel blogosphere, Caroline’s work is like haiku in a terrain of talking-point pablum. (And props for the rendering of Lake Bled.)
I last week ordered The dates from Bateel served in Emirates and Etihad First class. They recently opened a boutique in Michigan and thankfully they ship nationwide. They are absolutely delicious plain, stuffed with candied orange, and dipped in chocolate. I even bought the wooden box they use to serve them from.
Looks Good when’s ur next trip ?
#stayincave LOL
My next trip is…to the grocery store. 🙁 #sadtimesfortravelers
I get it delivered same price I left Cave 4x in 2 months .
#stayincave LOL
Holy crap. Rickrolled by FM.
So what’s next? Deez as the secret ingredient to Greg’s cooking?
I’m tempted to say that anyone who got Rickrolled is obligated to go like my video 😀
Done. Even though there’s no instant pot.
I just came here to say that Gatorade is terrible for you and you should look into a quality electrolyte tablet or liquid with minimal sugars like LYTEshow. Pedialyte is also a good alternative.
Buy it in powder (cheap) then mix it to what u need . A little rough when it’s a 100F and no stopping .
@stayincave LOL
LOL…..greg and nick, just give up now….you guys have brought knives to a gun fight!