Some of my favorite Frequent Miler posts are the ones that many readers skip. Every Saturday morning, Nick publishes his “Week in Review” where he covers the current week’s Frequent Miler posts. Many readers undoubtedly skip these posts. They probably figure that they’ve been reading all week long so there’s no reason to read the end of week summary. That’s a mistake.
Personally, I love reading these posts. I like seeing overviews my posts through another person’s eyes (Nick’s).
Nick’s Week in Review posts go beyond mere summaries of our previously published posts. Nick includes his insights and reactions. If he disagrees with something I wrote, he’s not afraid to say so. And if we’ve learned something new and relevant since publishing a particular post, he includes that info too. It’s not at all unusual, for example, for a reader to comment with a great idea, or even with information about why our original post was wrong in some way. The Week in Review is Nick’s chance to bring that information to you. And, best of all, the Week in Review posts tend to be entertaining in their own right.
If you missed the June 1 2019 Week in Review, then you missed the introduction of our new video series: Talking Points (see above). We plan to do these videos weekly and will link to them within each Week in Review. You also missed the reasons for Nick declaring “Greg’s losing it,” and, separately “Greg is indeed off his rocker.” Nick doesn’t reserve the name-calling all for me. In the April 27th Week in Review, he asked about himself “Am I crazy? Stupid? Self-centered? Abusive?”.
Sometimes Nick simply points out a useful nugget of info that you might have missed even if you read the original post. For example, in reaction to my recent post about my wife status matching to Radisson Gold, Nick wrote:
When I wrote my recent post on the status-match-go-round, I didn’t even think about trying to match to or from Radisson, but Greg shows here how easy it can be. The more intriguing part of this post, and one I forgot to ask him about during Talking Points, is the fact that he notes “often” getting elite benefits on 3rd party bookings despite being told otherwise by most chains. I don’t often book third party, but I haven’t been so lucky the few times I have. Perhaps I need to give it a try more often.
While it’s rare, sometimes I write the week in review post. In April, when Nick was on vacation, I decided to have some fun with it. In my intro on April 13th, I wrote about Nick’s vacation and said “let’s try something different here. I’m going to pretend to be Nick. What follows are my guesses as to Nick’s thoughts about my posts.” Here’s one example from the April 13th Week in Review where I wrote in Nick’s voice (sort of):
Greg looks beyond the obvious downsides of United’s lost award chart to reveal additional collateral damage. The worst part is where he wrote that it meant more work for him: He’s my boss, so I think that it means more work for me.
So… yeah. If you’re a regular Frequent Miler reader and you’ve been skipping the Week in Review, I suggest giving it a try. If you’re a long time reader, you may remember the old Week in Review posts that were mere summaries with no added info or entertainment. That has largely changed. So, stop by on a Saturday and try it again.
All Week in Review posts can be found here.
Note for those who subscribe to the once per week newsletter: the Week in Review is what you’ve been receiving each week. Thanks for reading!

I also appreciate this heads-up, but am wondering: How do I know which content is a repeat and what has been added? How do I access the new content without having to re-read the things I’ve already read?
The week in review posts shows all of the new posts from the past 7 days, not counting Quick Deals. If you’ve read posts in those 7 days, then some of it will be the same that you’ve already read, but this will now include Nick’s newly added reaction and/or analysis
Thanks for the heads up. I read at least the headlines every day, so I had been skipping these posts, but will make sure to catch them now.
Nope. Read the weekend posts. It is a great summary and alternate viewpoint.Only problem is that the “expiring soon” section can sometimes be too late.