My newest entry in Frequent Miler’s StayCay to Far Away Challenge is a travel themed life hack. Or, rather, several little life hacks to help survive hotel stays.
In this video, I cover what you can do (besides the obvious) with…
- A shower cap
- Shampoo
- Sewing kit
- Turndown service mint!
I’ll show you how to use the above items and more to…
- Cut food without a knife
- Keep your valuables safe
- Avoid germs & viruses
- Wash & dry clothes
You’ll like it!
I bet that you’ll enjoy this video… or at least you’ll have half a smile on your face while being slightly repulsed. One or the other. Or both.
Please “like” it!
Click here to watch the video in YouTube so that you can click the thumbs up button to like it! Or, watch it below, and then click through the video title to find the thumbs-up icon. Thanks!
Have your own hotel life hacks?
Please share your own hotel life hacks in the comments below.

Creative way to use a chocolate bar :). Never thought of this.
[…] Link to Greg’s post […]
I like this video. Creative use of the sewing kits and shower cap.
the best tip is the shower cap!!! thanks
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Great underwear trick haha!
I have a bit of a F the man streak that makes me naturally disinclined to vote for the boss in this competition, but these last two have been very good.
How about how to open a bottle of beer if you dont have a bottle opener? Ive run into that problem many times.
Counter Top or go to Dollar store and buy a $1 combo opener.
Counter top works also a keychain might work.
Lots of stuff will work for bottle caps — anything you can basically hold in your hand that has an edge and is made of solid enough material that it won’t chip or break. It’s hard to describe but you just use your knuckle as leverage and you can pop a cap right off. A spoon, a comb, the edge of a brush, etc. Takes a bit of practice but pretty easy once you understand and get the principle.
Here’s a video using a lighter. A key works too.
Starting to think Greg is going to win, yet again……I was hoping Carrie would win, but these have been solid.
Nick and Steve had their time and Carrie is the up and comer.
Just in case you don’t use the shower cap as a cover for the TV remote, bring it home to use as a cover for a bowl of leftovers as you put it in the ‘frig.
Great idea!
Go to the Dollar store and buy 1 gal and qt plastic bags and anything u may need.
THEN throw it out before coming home .
Great job something we can use and your our getting better I TOAD u that. Maybe update the kitchen a little.
Really your best work so far.