Get the print edition of the New York Times with your digital entertainment credit


On this week’s episode of Frequent Miler on the Air, I noted that one of the reasons I am not enthusiastic about the Amex Platinum card’s new “digital entertainment credit” is because I have no interest in reading long-form New York Times-style articles on my phone (and yes, I noted the irony in that statement given the length of some of my own posts). I said I’d be interested in a print edition (if it were actually available in my area; it isn’t). Commenter NK3 alerted me to something I’d missed in the Terms & Conditions of the digital entertainment credit: it can be used for the print edition of the New York Times. While that still won’t do me any good personally, it would make me much more enthusiastic about this deal if I could take advantage of it.

a book with text on it

I’d skipped over the key fine print of the Digital Entertainment Credit that says:

The New York Times: Eligible purchases for the New York Times include any subscriptions (including digital or print news, NYT Cooking, and New York Times Games) made directly through Eligible purchases do not include advertising services, NYT conferences, gift cards, the TimesDigest or purchases from the NYTimes company store.

That’s good news to fans of print media since it means you could use this $20 monthly credit toward home delivery of the print edition. Unfortunately, home delivery is not available in my area, but in the several zip codes I checked, half off for the first year meant that $20 every 4 weeks would get you home delivery of the Sunday edition.

a screenshot of a website

I’d be very happy to get home delivery of the Sunday edition for a year, and not just because they quoted me in the Sunday New York Times Magazine this year.

I figured that I’m probably not the only cardholder who missed this tidbit, so it was worth sharing NK3’s comment for those who may be interested in print media or one of the other New York Times subscriptions available.

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Nate Nate

Last September, AMEX called me regarding my thoughts on my Biz Plat card, and I suggested they add news subscriptions to their subsidized “digital subscriptions”. I also suggested they get rid of the punch card approach to benefits.

[…] The new Amex Platinum digital entertainment credit can be used for home delivery of the New York Tim… go figure. […]


But…it’s the NYT. It’s an issue when the best part of a media conglomerate’s holdings is the games app. Or maybe the cooking. The print edition…literally not worth the paper it’s printed on. Garbage.


I don’t care for the NY Times but it makes me wonder if this would work for other papers like the Wallstreet Journal.


The AMEX offer lists specifically which publications work, and the Wall Street Journal is not listed. Read the other posts about this.


does the NYT print edition come with the coupon books on the weekend like local newspapers do?

Stefan Krasowski (@rapidtravelchai)

There is a convoluted way to make one-time payments that sometimes works if you have an open invoice, when I get it reliably working I’ll update. Non-discounted 7 days a week home delivery is $80/4 weeks so would be nice to use multiple credits. Dismiss the trolls in the comments, sit down with a print edition of NYT, WSJ, hopefully, you still have a hometown newspaper, and see quality work done by dedicated journalists. Plus, how much depth of understanding improves compared to online. I get NYT, WSJ, FT, Seattle Times daily.


Probably because all of the print editions include the digital edition. I thought the terms were pretty short and clear to read but I guess it’s good to point out.
Also note they have an ongoing $4/month deal for digital subscriptions which lasts for a year. So for one year at least, you could combine digital NYT with e.g. an Audible Premium Plus subscription and be just under the $20 credit amount.


And when it comes up for renewal at the regular price, tell them you are unsubscribing & they’ll reup fir the same $4/mth. Been doing for years…


The Sunday times also comes with digital subscription


We have the Sunday delivery which includes online access. Can confirm that my credit posted.


I signed up for it.. so with all the new subscriptions, they won’t be the failing NYT anymore. They’ll just be a biased publication with some occasional funny content.


I was in London in 2003 and read the papers then.When u opened the paper the Left was on the Left page and the right opinion was on the right side of the page .I use to read 5 newspapers a day now NONE all biased.

Black Hill

Thanks for information.

As a principle, I’ll never subscribe for free or even if they pay me to buy a paper that encourages sex education for 1st graders


If you bothered to look into this at all, you’d realize that “sex education for 1st graders” means teaching kids that people outside their immediate family shouldn’t touch their “private parts”. Sounds like a terrible idea! Those crazy libs!


If that’s what they stated they must be late to the game. I got that training in Kindergarten class in 1960 . Never had any trouble on my 1/2 mile walk 2x a day.
Boy have times changed for the worse.


Great for house breaking puppies and starting campfires


This is what I plan to do. Just FYI, it says it bills every 28 days so i plan to start my subscription late in this month so that I hopefully never need to deal with two billing periods falling in the same month. (Haven’t done the math exactly so maybe my plan won’t work)


Note that the subscription begins on the first day of delivery. If you subscribe now for the Sunday paper, the first payment falls on July 25th (which would be perfect for having one billing period per month for a very long time).