You may be able to earn a sizable bonus for referring an American Express credit card to someone else. On top of that, you may be able to refer cards you don’t even have. In this video, you’ll find out how.
How to maximize Amex bonuses through referrals
(01:10) – Log in to Amex, and find your referral link.
Sometimes you’ll find this on the individual card page or click Refer a Friend at the bottom of the page.
(02:10) – Copy your referral link.
(03:19) – If you know they want another card, open your referral link in a new browser and then navigate to the card they want. Copy the link from the address bar and give them that link instead – it will go to the card they want.
(05:13) – Note that co-branded can only refer to same co-brand cards.
You earn the referral bonus based on the card you use to generate the referral no matter which card they choose.
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Music Credit – “Ocean Deep” by Annie Yoder

How the heck do you guys come up with these hacks?!?
And you didn’t mention it, but I try to ONLY share a referral if it is for the Nest Current Offer- MAYBE if it’s 2 player mode and the total points including my referral award exceeds the best offer, but TBH, I would rather have P2 get the higher offer (with a referral offer from FM or a FM consumer) and I wait till my link generates that offer so I can share and effectively double dip
What about those of us whom Amex will not let refer some of our cards?
According to Nick:
“There’s no magical solution to that. If you can’t create a referral link, you can’t create a referral link.
That said, it’s worth checking both on the card within your login. Sometimes there’s a referral box between the recent transactions and the Amex offers areas on desktop. You can also try clicking the refer a friend button. If you scroll to the bottom of the page. Sometimes you’ll get different results in those two places in terms of whether you can generate a link or not.
But if you just don’t see a link in either place, I’m not aware of any useful workaround for that.”