How to prevent Wyndham points from expiring

The Frequent Miler team loves our Wyndham Rewards points, mostly thanks to the ability to use them to book Vacasa Vacation Rentals.

Wyndham points expire after 18 months of inactivity. Fortunately, like most other hotel programs, any activity (earning or spending points) will extend the 18 months. But there’s an additional problem and another, much worse, doomsday clock: Wyndham points expire 4 years after earning themand points activity does not reset this clock.  In this post we’ll show you a couple of ways to avoid this doom.

a man pointing at a tablet

How to find your earliest Wyndham Points expiry date

To find when your oldest points expire, log into your Wyndham Rewards account, go to “My Account”, then scroll down to find a section titled “Notifications” which lists your earliest point expirations. Click “learn more” for slightly more information. Alternatively, you can go to the following URL and log in to see the same information:

For example, as I write this, my account shows the following:

Points expire 4 years after they are earned. You have 24,433 that will expire on 05/31/2027.

In addition, after 18 consecutive months without any account activity, all of your points will be forfeited. Be sure to stay or redeem with us by .

I have 24,433 that will expire on 05/31/2027. This doesn’t tell me how many points I have that will expire after that date. It only shows the soonest expiring points.

Fortunately, when spending Wyndham points, Wyndham automatically applies the oldest points first, so as long as I spend 24,433 points or more by 05/31/2027, none of those points will expire. Unfortunately, I might have points expiring the next day and I won’t know about it until I’ve first spent the 24,433 points.

How to keep Wyndham Rewards points alive

Transfer back and forth to Caesars Rewards

The easiest way to keep your points alive past the four year clock is to transfer points back and forth between Wyndham and Caesars rewards.

Wyndham and Caesars have a partnership which makes it possible to transfer Wyndham Rewards points to Caesars and Caesars Rewards to Wyndham. By doing this loop (transferring from Wyndham to Caesars and back to Wyndham), the four year clock resets for those points.

Here are the URLs:

Wyndham – Caesars transfer limitations

  • Transfers may take 6-8 weeks to process.
    (note: we haven’t timed these transfers but they do take a looooong time)
  • Transfer up to 60,000 Reward Credits / Wyndham Reward points per year
  • Transfer requests must be in increments of 10,000 points to Caesars and can only be increased in increments of 10,000.

How to preserve more than 60,000 points

If you have more than 60,000 points to preserve and you’re not likely to use those points in time, you could adopt a multi-year strategy. Every year, transfer 60,000 points back and forth. This way, you can keep many more points alive, as long as you start more than a year before expiry.  For example, if your points are two years from expiry, you can preserve 60K points this year and 60K points next year.  If you have many points to preserve, it may make sense to simply do the 60K back and forth transfer every single year.

Book and cancel a stay in the Wyndham app (YMMV)

Super-Miler Pam reports that she sometimes has success by booking a stay in the Wyndham app and then cancelling it later. I just tried to replicate this today, and after booking a cancellable stay, my expiration date did indeed reset:

Points expire 4 years after they are earned. You have 17,160 that will expire on 06/30/2027.

However, once I cancelled that stay, my points reverted to their previous expiration date:

Points expire 4 years after they are earned. You have 24,433 that will expire on 05/31/2027.

It could be that I cancelled it too soon or it could be that Wyndham’s being Wyndham. Perhaps, if I had given it more time, the date change would have stuck. We’ll have to play around with it more, but in the meantime, it’s worth knowing that, at least on occasion, this might work if you’re stuck. We’ve heard a few positive data points on this, so if it doesn’t work the first time, try it again.

Can you restore Wyndham points after they expire?

In the past, multiple people have reported success with simply asking Wyndham to restore their points after they’ve expired.  Unfortunately, these reports happened during the pandemic and so we don’t know if Wyndham was being more lenient during that time or if they can be relied upon to do the same in the future.  So, don’t count on this working, but if you do have points expire, it’s definitely worth a phone call to Wyndham Rewards.

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Not sure if things have changed but everytime I talk to Wyndham I tell them how stupid their points system is and it’s confusing. What I found out is that if you have say 20k points expiring in May and you book something, regardless of if it’s real or not but let’s say you are thinking you might actually use it and you book it for Dec. You’ve now used up your oldest points for this booking. Now it’s June and you found out you need a night next week so you book a stay with 25k points, it takes your next expiring points. You stay in the hotel for real.

Now your in Sept and you used your June trip but found out you need to cancel your December trip. This is where they suck. Those points are reinstated into your account with the original exp date. So in this case you booked with points that were expiring in May and it’s now Sept so them putting them in your account does no good since as soon as they put them back they will have expired. Even though you had recent activity and used newer points they don’t care. Their system is awful. I had this happen and had to get a supervisor who did not want to reinstate my points but I told this makes absolutely no sense as I cant forsee that I might have a cancellation but I should not lose my points over it especially when I used even more points earlier in the year that were not as old.

ANyway keep telling them their program sucks and is confusing. It’s so hard to even navigate on their site to find out when points expire unless you use the link above. Nothing in faq that I could find that said about their stupid expiration policy. I really hope they change it as it just causes a lot of confusion for many and it’s stupid!


Hi Greg/Tim, I tried to transfer my Wyndham to Caesar to extend the 4 years expiration but the website only allows max 30,000 now (in a batch of 10,000 x 3 max) as opposed to your post saying 60,000 per year. Can you please check and reconfirm it is indeed 60,000?

Nick Reyes

Unfortunately, that was one of the changes announced late last year for January 2025. I’ll update this post. The limit is now 30,000.


Thanks, Nick! Ugh, it’s tough to lose points due to 4 years expiration. Just to confirm, we don’t need to have status with Wyndham or Caesars to transfer points between the two programs, right?


Data point:

12/25 Transferred 30k from Wyndham to Caesars
12/30 30k showed up in my Caesars account


I just transferred 50k points from Wyndham to Caesars. They transferred successfully and fairly quickly. However, I just noted that the Caesars site limits the transfer back to Wyndham to just 30k points in a calendar year. So, I just did 30k today and I hope I can get back the other 20k on Jan 1, 2025.

Not sure if that is a recent development, but folks should be informed that they can only transfer “back” 30k if they have no intention of using the difference between 50k and 30k at Caesars. My sole intention of the transfer was to reset the expiry (as per the post above).

I hope I get the full 50k back eventually!

Dr. Jay

DP on 10/1/2024. Wyndham Rewards chat agent said they could not reinstate. Phone agent did reinstate 31,000 points as a one time courtesy.


Transferring from Citi TYP to Wyndham was instantaneous for me.
Had to transfer ~3K points, so I’d have 10K minimum Wyndham points to be able to transfer to Caesar’s. (it’s incorrectly mentioned 5K here)
The Wyndham still shows 912 points will expire soon (I had 10912 prior to transferring to Caesars, right after topping off with 3600 points from Citi (3K + 20% bonus currently)
Points expire 4 years after they are earned. You have 912 that will expire on 08/31/2028.
it was 5000, expiring on 08/31/2028 before
This means Wyndham doesn’t trade the points with the earliest expiration first for some reason.


I was wrong about 912 points, thought its 2028 for a sec


minimum transfer (W–>C) is 10K, not 5K, as you’ve mentioned (5K minimum is C->W)

Greg The Frequent Miler

I had an interesting result in extending my points by booking a points stay, waiting a week, and then cancelling. Here are the results:

Before booking stay: 121,069 expire 11/22/25
Before cancelling booking: points expire 2/28/2027
Final expiry: 121,434 expire 1/22/2026

The final result was that the lifetime for my points was extended by only 2 months (from Nov 2025 to January 2026)

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg The Frequent Miler

I just replicated this experiment with my wife’s account. This time I waited 2 weeks before cancelling. Result: No change at all in the 9/30/2026 expiration date


Just one data point, but I succeeded in getting my expired points restored about 6 weeks ago. Wasn’t a huge mess of points (around 25k), but grateful for the reprieve.


I just double checked and the clock reset has held. I.e. my point expiration date was extended successfully earlier in July, this month. I waited a week before cancelling….

Slip Mahoney

Isn’t the Wyndam Guy the same Guy who tells me to “feed your lawn, feed it!”, in the Scotts commercial?

Tim Steinke

The very same! He’s also the head honcho wildling guy from Game of Thrones.


I hope the team sees this DP: echoing what Pam said above (eleven months ago), per her suggestion, I did a dummy booking….came back a week later…..cancelled booking and now have another four years before expiration of points. This is big….as the Caesars methodology is very buggy transferring back to Wyndham. This was super easy.

Tim T

Are you certain that the reset isnt foe the 18 months but the 4 year?. Someine else did the same with dummy booking and said it reset the 18 months but not the 4 year. Thanks


If I purchase some points will that keep from expiring


I’m not sure how to interpret what my account shows. It has a similar message to what Greg posted above:

Points expire 4 years after they are earned. You have ***** that will expire on 07/14/2025.”

However, the amount shown is my entire balance, down to the last single point. I have a Wyndham card and earn points every month, so the 4-year clock shouldn’t be the same for all of them. It also seems unlikely to be a coincidence that the date it shows is 18 months from now.

Any further suggestions for how to determine the true 4-year expiration date?


Yes, it appears they have changed that. I assume one could call and find out, but Wyndham customer service is not very helpful these days (what hotel chain is at this point?)


I called c/s & they told me how many points expire in which month. Although Wyndham says you have X points not expiring, say, til next year, the fact is there are points expiring (potentially) every month THIS year you have to deal with that make up the final total for next year! I made speculative bookings to prevent expiration this year (even though their app says next yr).


Book and cancel extended the 18-month expiration for me, but not the 4-year expiration.


Ditto. And while the app doesn’t distinguish (just did this and it looked like it did reset all of my points), when I checked on the website it’s clear that the 4 year expiration remains the same (and is much sooner than my 18 month expiration)