A few days ago, TopCashBack raised its payout for American Express gift cards from 1.5% to 2%. In the past, this would have been big news. When you can earn money by buying money, that’s a big deal. There were several reasons, though, that I hesitated before publishing anything. Here’s the scoop…
American Express gift card $500 limit
It used to be the case that American Express gift cards topped out at $3000 in value for each card. By buying high denomination cards like this, one could minimize the card fee ($3.95) and shipping costs ($8.95) as a percentage of the total. That way, cash back earned through a portal more than offset any and all fees.
As I reported in April, American Express changed its website so that if you begin your shopping from a cash back portal, they will only allow you to buy cards with up to $500 in value (see “Amex takes away $3K cash back gift cards“).
I also reported a simple workaround whereupon you can still buy customized gift cards up to $3000. Since then, reports from readers have been mixed as to whether or not they’ve received cash back from buying personalized gift cards. I haven’t tried this myself so I can’t say whether or not the trick really works.
So, I’m at a bit of a loss right now as to what to recommend. Buying $500 gift cards should work. You can reduce your expenses by signing up for a free trial of their unlimited next day shipping program. Another option is to load up your cart with multiple $500 gift cards so that you only pay the shipping fee once (but you’ll still pay a $3.95 fee for each card). You can also try various free shipping and/or fee free gift card codes that are readily found on the internet, but these rarely work when you go through a portal and they may even invalidate your cash back.
At the end of the day, you can still make money buying $500 gift cards if you do it right, but is it worth it? Let’s take a simple example. Suppose you buy 4 $500 cards. If you pay for shipping, your total charge will be $2,024.75. Then, you should get back 2% of the card value: 2% of $2000 = $40. So, you will have made a profit of $40 – $24.75 = $15.25. That’s about 3/4 of a percent. Yawn.
TopCashBack draws ire
Whenever I write about a deal that involves TopCashBack, people write angry comments saying that they tried TopCashBack but never got their money and/or that their customer service never responded to their missing cash back claims.
In general, I have continued to report TopCashBack deals because I’ve had lots of success with them. For example, during my Million Mile Madness challenge, I bought many thousands of dollars worth of gift cards and merchandise at Staples by first going through TopCashBack (which offered 5.5% back at the time). Not only did every single transaction post accurately, but I received all of the cash back within a few weeks. Some people will argue that my success was because of my blogger status. They believe that TopCashBack watches what I do and proactively ensures that I get paid. I don’t believe that for a second. Here’s what I do believe:
- TopCashBack (which originated in the UK and is very popular there) has suffered from start up pains in the US. Each time they add a new merchant there is a potential for things to go wrong. With American Express gift cards, things went so wildly wrong early on that TopCashBack pulled them off the site for a while until the technical issues could be ironed out.
- Each merchant is different. Under normal circumstances, TopCashBack doesn’t pay out until they receive an affiliate commission for a sale from the merchant. Every merchant is different with respect to how well they track sales and how quickly they pay out.
- TopCashBack has a confusing approach to customer service. The way I understand it is like this: If you file a missing cash back claim, the ensuing process is automated. Claims are passed along to the merchant for investigation in batches, so your claim may not be passed along for a couple of weeks. Then, resolution of the claim is dependent upon the merchant and may take several months. All the while, the TopCashBack customer will most likely never hear from TopCashBack one way or another. Conversely, if you file a support ticket you will interact with a live customer support person. I haven’t done the latter, so I can’t say whether or not it is helpful, but its really the only way to ensure that a real person looks at whatever issue you’ve encountered.
Despite all of these difficulties, as I said above, I’ve had mostly very good luck with TopCashBack. Certainly my own results have been at least as good as with other portals. So, in general, I’ll continue to report TopCashBack deals. In this case, though, I hesitated. I’ve received quite a few reports from readers who have not received cash back for Amex gift card purchases. So, I’m concerned that there may continue to be technical issues in the connection between TopCashBack and Amex. To be clear, I don’t know this to be true, I just think that it is a possibility.
TopCashBack increases Amex gift card payout to 2%
There you go. There’s the headline. Please read above to see whether this deal is of any interest to you. And, if you want to sign up for TopCashBack, or other cash back portals, please see my Sign-Up Links page.

jon: Sometimes points take two statement cycles to post. I would be very, very surprised if your points don’t post. Same for the 1% cash back.
I did not receive any points for a 3k amex GC ordered in June, though TCB did track. The math on my June statement shows that I received no MR points for the transaction. Can anyone else verify? I have heard whispers of this elsewhere but would like to know conclusively.
Charlotte – based on my experience, I do not belive you will receive 1% cash back as well.
FM- Any input?
Ordered the $3k GC from amex through TCB. Still waiting on the card but charges have posted on both my amex blue cash and TCB. Will I be able to get 1% cash back on my amex blue cash for the GC purchase? I guess it’s a wait and see but was wondering if others have been able to get CB on their credit cards on top of the TCB cash back.
charlotte: Yes, you’ll get 1% cash back as well.
Harry @ PF Pro: I don’t know. Working codes seem to come and go all the time.
Is there a working code that will negate the $3.95 fee out right now? GIFTFG3 and GIFTFG1 are not working for me?
OFFERSSHIP works for free shipping but I want to do the premium trial for 3 months free so shipping should be free.
Can I combine the free shipping trial and a code that will get me $3.95 off so I can pay $500 for a $500 card?
mdtravel: Yes, you could use the Amex gcs to buy Visa gift cards to load to BB. Or, you could use them for Amazon payments, or just regular spend.
So I buy these gift cards…then what? Can I turn around and buy Visa prepaid cards which I can loan on to my BB card at Walmart?
Using your $2000 example above with $15 profit is indeed a ‘yawner’. Use your Discover Escape (or other 2X) card for an additional $40 reward and it gets a little more interesting. Still a lot of hassle and tracking – and not sure it’s worth it at the end of the day.
It’s interesting to see how experiences from one person to the next are so wildly different with TCB. Just FYI, when people signup and use TopCashBack with my link, I get a one time bonus of $5 or $10 (depends on whether they are running the $10 promo). I don’t get anything additional when they spend more. BigCrumbs is different. With BigCrumbs I get a very small percentage of any cash back earned by anyone who signed up with my link.
So now I have one of my $3k purchases from May posting; so one missing. I filed a claim on the other one, but not hopeful based on above. This makes little to no sense. I will try TCB once and see how it goes.
If you want to save your reputation, don`t report any “deals” from those scumbags Topcashback. I know you get referral money (I signed up via your link), but I wouldn`t apply to anything via your links anymore since TCB are not paying me anything and buying time with excuses. If it`s too good to be true, it is usually is when it comes to topcashback. But as long as there are naive people out there, topcashback will get richer out of your money paid by AmEx and such.
Interestingly, it looks like Amex shipped me 1 $3,000 card instead of 6 $500 cards. I wonder if I can get them to refund the card charges if I really do only get one card.
TCB site doesnt have exclusion like bigcrumbs…
anyone can report getting CB with 2k or 3k gift card?
I purchased a 3k and 2k personal card about 10 days ago via BC. I got the email earlier this week that it is has tracked.
I got the same email from BG, lost 70$ too.
500$ gcs have more hassle cash in, I closed my business milking amex gcs.